Firstly, a massive Thank You to fellow Blogger - Lydia at Always Made With Love - for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I have been buzzing since reading her post this morning and I am absolutely honoured that my blog, Teacher by trade - Mother by nature has been nominated. You must check out her blog - she has some yummy recipes, shares aspects of her life as a mama and tid-bits of her blogging adventure.
From what I have read online - the Liebster Award is given to 'up and coming' bloggers who have anywhere between 200-1000 followers. Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. "Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs" I am loving my blogging journey and reading other people's blogs too. It is such an amazing community to be a part of.
My Questions from Lydia:
1. What is your #1 blogging tip / advice?
Be prepared! It is so important. There is so much to learn about blogging, however I have found that if I am not prepared, I go a little stir-crazy. Know what you are going to blog about before you even start! One of my goals is to be more organised and to plan ahead.
2. Why did you start blogging?
I actually created a Facebook page first for Teacher by trade, Mother by nature a couple of months after having my second baby. I wanted a place where I could share my thoughts, interests and things that I am passionate about, rather than sharing it all on my personal page, filling up my friend's and family's Newsfeed. When my son had his naps I found myself searching through the Facebook pages of Bloggers that I had been following for a few years and thought it would be cool to have my own...After a few months, I finally created my blog. It is the 5th wall in my home and I love it - who knew blogging could be so addictive!
3. Your pet peeve (doesn’t have to be blogging related)
When someone parks close to your car knowing very well that there is a carseat in the back! Grr
4. What is your MOST precious memory?
Hearing my Papa say "I love you" before he passed away.
5. Heels or Flats?
Flats - I pretty much live in jandals (flip flops) all year round.
6. If you could change ONE thing about your life, what would it be?
I am the person I am today because of the life that I have lived and the choices that I have made. However, one thing I wish I was better at - is saving money...I can be a bit of shop-a-holic at times (hearty op-shopper right here)
7. What do you do to unwind?
Blobbing in front of the telly with a nice cup of tea (preferably made by my partner) or getting lost in Facebook.
8. What is ONE thing you would tell your younger self?
You don't need to change your clothes 4-5 times A DAY! Your (future) daughter will do the exact SAME thing and you will end up with a massive washing pile! You have been warned! (lol)
9. Your favourite refreshment?
10. What is your #1 go to meal for your family?
Lasagne (Lasagna)- easy to make and oh-so delicious (we are actually having it for dinner tonight - YUM)
11. If you were to jump on a plane tomorrow for an all expenses paid trip, where would you be going? Why?
I would have to say England, London to see my best friend and visit my Mum's family (she was born in Leicester). It is my dream destination, and I hope one day my dream will come true.
What to do next:
- Link back and recognise the blogger who nominated you
- Answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator
- Nominate 2-11 other bloggers (with followings less than 500) for the award
- Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer
- Notify your nominees, share the love
- Get an award button and display it proudly
Congratulations - My Nominations
I think your blogs are amazing. You all inspire me to be a better blogger.
Your Questions:
1. What is your favourite annual holiday? Why?
2. What is your #1 Blogging tip/advice?
3. Why did you start blogging? Has is it turned out to be what you expected?
4. What is the best/hardest thing about blogging?
5. In your opinion, what is the best blog post you've written so far? Link it!
6. Name 3 things on your Christmas Wish List?
7. Favourite Quote?
8. Who is your role model?
9. What were you doing 1 year ago?
10. When you have an hour of free-time. What do you do?
11. Do you have a significant other? How did you meet?
Now it's your turn. Have fun.

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