And just like that - it's the last day of the month! It's time to TAKE STOCK! Pip from Meet Me At Mikes started "Taking Stock" a while back, and I have seen a couple of bloggers do the same here and here. I love the sound of taking a bit of time out of my day to 'take stock' on things that are happening in my LIFE, HOME & with my FAMILY, so each month I am going to join in on the fun!
Yes I admit, there are some things in my life that I do regret, and then there are things that I regret I didn't do. However, I like to think of these 'regrets' as experiences that have made me the person I am today and for that, I am grateful. If I only experienced half the things I did when I was growing up, my life would be completely different to what it is now. It's what we do with the could haves, would haves, should haves, & might haves that make us regret. So how does one live life with no regrets?
1. (Some) Things happen for a reason - “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”― Marilyn Monroe.
Do you believe things happen for a reason?
Do you believe things happen for a reason?
2. Create your own life - Choose your own path, not one that others want you to follow or choose for you. Don't let other people’s opinions influence you too much. Find the courage to change things that should be changed and accept that there are some things that cannot be changed.
3. Enjoy the journey - Go out and live your life - talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen; fall in love and set your sights high. Believe in yourself, because if you don't, who will?
4. Learn to forgive - People come into your life, through the good times, the bad times and even the plain ugly. All of these experiences can be learned from, especially the bad. If someone hurts you, breaks your heart or betrays you - forgive them - and learn from it.
5. It's okay to make mistakes - Write out a list of goals and achieve them by doing them step by step. If you make a mistake, learn from it, forgive yourself, and move on. Don’t give up when things get difficult.
Are you ready to Live Life with No Regrets?
This post is a part of The 1 Word Blog Challenge - Hosted by Lisa at The Golden Spoons
This weeks word prompts were Paradise, Alone, & Regret.
Also linking up with Sonia at Life, Love & Hiccups