#TuesdayTen: 10 Things I Love RIGHT NOW!!!

For this weeks #TuesdayTen, we are inspired by Dana from Kiss My List - Love Lists . We are writing about things that we love! And because it's Valentine's Day this Saturday, it's fitting we do a post about LOVE! So without further ado...here are 10 things that I love RIGHT NOW!

1.  Naps - I am talking about Master M's nap time - although I would LOVE to have a nap right now but this blog post isn't going to write itself. Nap time is "ME TIME" - I get to do things I have to do (clean), need to do (washing) and want to do (blog)...For an hour and a half - it's my time and I treasure it, and sometimes, if I am absolutely knackered I will have a nap with Master M (usually only a short one because he always wakes up 20 minutes later grrr).

2. Coffee Groups - Once a month, I get together with mums that I met at Ante-Natal class when I was pregnant and some new Mums & Bubs that have joined us. I love seeing how much our babies have grown in only 4 weeks - it's amazing. Last month they were crawling on the mat, now they are all standing independently and walking! Crazy! We also have a few first birthdays over the next month, so thats really exciting! It also reminds me that I need to get in contact with the Mums that I met at Ante-Natal class when I was pregnant with Miss B. It will be our 10 year anniversary this year - It would be so cool to compare our first photo when our babies were under 2 months old to now - with our almost 10 year olds! Eek!

3. Blogging - By now, it must be obvious that I have a love for blogging, if I didn't love it, I simply wouldn't do it. It is MY thing at the moment and I am really enjoying sharing tidbits of my LIFE, HOME & FAMILY with you, and I do hope that you enjoy it too (if you are reading this - THANK YOU - You Rock!). I have met some amazing bloggers throughout my journey and have some pretty awesome loyal followers too. I love connecting with people and hopefully inspiring others :) 

4. Organisation - I love organisation! Life, Home & Family can be chaotic at times but being organised is the key to having a stress-free life. I am no expert on being organised, but when I am, boy, everything just runs smoothly! I do tend to put too much on my plate (like now - with selling our house and planning two milestone birthdays PLUS starting work) however, I quickly learn to organise and prioritise things - oh and the fact that I thrive on pressure sometimes adds a bit of excitement into the mix. (Read more about it here: It's All Happening). 

5. To-Do Lists - I adore To-Do Lists! I love them and need them to keep things organised in my life. I write to do lists everyday! They came in very handy over the weekend when I created a To-Do List for each designated area in the house of jobs that needed to be done (de-cluttered, organised, cleaned, fixed, installed etc) - it was a great feeling having to cross off each and every one (well almost) of the jobs before the professional photographer came to take photos for our marketing package. 

6. De-cluttering - Okay, so I have already admitted in previous posts that I am a sentimental hoarder, however I still can de-clutter! (See 20 Day Challenge) I am getting better at letting go of things (honest)! No better time to give your house a TOTAL de-clutter makeover when you put your house on the market and get ready for open homes! Every room in the house has been de-cluttered, cleaned and organised - in fact, my car boot is full with stuff to drop off to the op-shops. I was actually quite ruthless with some items (go me). I have moved excess stuff into the garage. Everything is in clear containers, labelled and nicely stacked against the wall - so it's not too overwhelming for my partner (*who allowed me to do this - bless him). 

De-cluttering is good for the Mind, Body & Soul - I just wish I wasn't a sentimental hoarder  - makes things harder lol (well that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!)

7. Ikea Catalogues - My friend, the fabulous Yvette from Studio Y  came over this week for a coffee & catch up (oh and to get some funky nail art done)...and she happened to bring with her - Ikea Catalogues - and oh my golly -I {LOVE} IKEA! They have some Ah-Mazing stuff - a girl can definitely dream! I will enjoy sitting down with a cup of tea and flicking through the pages of these catalogues! 

8. Photography - Yes I love to dabble in photography. I love the FMS Photo a Day Challenge via Fat Mum Slim, as it gets me to think outside the square for each prompt that is given and I have managed to capture some really amazing photos using my Canon EOS DSLR camera (which I LOVE). I share my photos via Sunday Share & Instagram.

9. Cup of Bell tea - I can be quite fussy when it comes to having a cup of tea. I blame my parents (lol) for always having Bell teabags when I was younger. It was ingrained in my mind as a teenager and when I moved out of home, that was one item that was (still is) always in my shopping trolley - a box of Bell tea (Original). I am Bell girl, not a Dilmah, Lipton or whatever other random brands are out there...I love a good cup of Bell tea - to the point that I will (sometimes) have my own teabags in my bag. (haha please don't judge me)

10. My family - Saving the best for last - I love my lil family! My partner and my kids are my world, they mean everything to me!!! PS. Happy 'Valentines Day' to my partner - Love you babe xx

So there you have it...10 things I love RIGHT NOW! What's on your list? Tell me -  what do you LOVE?

Be sure to check out the hosts Lisa & Rabia's LOVE LISTS too and connect with other bloggers that have done the same! Share the blogging love.

This post is part of the #TuesdayTen Link Up with
 Lisa from The Golden Spoons & Rabia from The Lieber Family


  1. List & blogging - YES!!! And, of course, my family. :-)

    1. I never thought I would love blogging as much as i do!

  2. As a blogger, I'm all about the lists. As a human being, I make lists to help declutter and organize, and know what happens? Nothing. The declutter lists become ... clutter.

    Blogging is an affliction I'm blessed to share with you. Rock on.

    1. HA! That made me laugh out loud because sometimes - that's what happens to me! (oops) One day aye Coach Daddy!

      Thanks for commenting - heading over to check out your blog!

  3. I am working on some major decluttering too. It's hard on the mind and body, but it's so worth it when I can walk into a wide open room and see all the space we have back!

    1. Totally agree Rabia! Decluttering is definitely good for the mind, body and soul! Good luck with your decluttering! :)

  4. I was going to list blogging too, but then again I've gotten a little frustrated with it lately. Coffee group sounds so great too. Oh and naps! This is not really something I love, more of a thing I NEED.

    1. I do love blogging, however I dislike how social media chops and changes how our posts get noticed! (grr) I love and NEED naps too! I can't remember the last time I had a sleep in, so I rely on my nana naps to catch up on some zzz's!

  5. I am loving a clean house - mostly because the hubby and I spent Valentines Day working side by side to make it that way. Romantic huh ;) xx

    1. Very romantic Sonia! Looks like you had a lovely day/weekend!

  6. I love all of these. Although, I confess you had me at naps. I LOVE nana naps x

    1. thank you Cybele! Nana naps are THE BEST!!


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