PLAY IDEA: Easy Rainbow Rice Recipe

What you need:  
  • White rice (inexpensive) 
  • White Vinegar (inexpensive) 
  • Food colouring 
  • Glad Snap Lock bags (for each colour) 
What you need to make Rainbow Rice
What you do: 
  • Pour 1 cup of white rice into a snap lock bag
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar
  • Add a few drops of food colouring (the choice is yours)
  • Seal snap lock bag (make sure it is sealed properly) 
  • SQUISH & SHAKE until all the rice has been covered with colour
  • Open bag, leave to dry*
  • REPEAT with other colours, using a separate bag for each

    *You can leave your rainbow rice to dry in the open snap lock bags, on a plate, paper towel, baking paper or meat tray/plastic tray
    Leave to dry - see options above
    What next? 
    For some fun and creative ways you can play with your rainbow rice, check out the following links...
    10 Super Simple Rice Sensory Bins - Little Bins for Little Hands
    Playing with Rainbow Rice - Happy Hooligans

    Have Fun!

    My Bored Toddler

    Mummy do it


    1. I made mine the same way but in plastic takeaway food containers instead of snap lock bags :)

      1. I've used the containers too! I prefer the snap lock bags, easier to transport :)

    2. I love rainbow rice! Thanks for sharing on #ToddlerFunFriday

      1. We do too! It's so much fun and easy to make too!

    3. This looks like a lot of fun - such bright colours. Thanks for sharing with the #BlogFair, hope you can visit again this week.

      1. It really is a lot of fun! Will definitely be back again for #BlogFair


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