PLAY IDEA: Foam Eruptions

I love Science and science experiments, especially when they have the 'wow factor'. Mixing baking soda and vinegar was a favourite when I was child and now I get to share it with my children. My son has never really been a fan of Messy Play, however after doing this experiment, I think he has changed his mind, because now he knows it's fun to mix, stir and scoop colourful 'stuff' and get messy!

Messy Play can help children to experiment and explore, learn about colour mixing and texture, develop hand-eye co-ordination and practice pouring, mixing, scooping and beating skills. 

We can support children by joining in, letting them know it's okay to get messy. We can encourage them to tell us what they are doing by introducing descriptive words such as runny, fluffy, warm, wet, and soft. Supervising them at all times, keeping them safe and preventing them from putting the mixture/solution in their mouth and/or eyes.

Disclaimer: This recipe is from "Recipes for Messy Play".
1/4 cup Clear liquid hand soap 
3/4 Warm water
2 Tbsp Baking Soda
2 Tbsp Citric Acid, lemon juice 
(unfortunately I didn't have either, so I used white vinegar instead, and it did the trick) 
Food colouring
1. Set out small container in a deep basin or water trough.
2. Add clear hand soap and warm water to each container and invite the children to mix to create soapy water. 
3. Add a few drops of food colouring to each one. 
4. Invite children to add spoonfuls of baking soda to each bowl of soapy water and mix it in - it should become gooey. The children can then add spoonfuls of citric acid (or lemon juice) *we didn't have either so I used white vinegar instead). As soon as the citric acid/lemon juice/white vinegar hits the baking soda/soapy water combination, it will create a very light, airy, fluffy foam. 
5. Set out small spoons or sticks for mixing. The more the children mix in the citric acid, the lighter, fluffier, and bigger foam they'll get. 
Enjoy getting messy with your toddler and most of all have FUN!

Tip out all of the containers into a large container - get stuck in with hands and mix for some extra foamy fun!

Have you tried this or any Science experiments with your toddler lately?

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  1. Ooh, so pretty! I've never tried adding soap - we'll have to give that a try!

    1. It makes it more foamy and soft to touch. Give a go Emma. Thanks for popping by.

  2. I love this fizzy activity! Great way to introduce young kids to science! Thanks for sharing on Toddler Fun Friay

  3. What a fun sensory activity! My oldest son is a visual seeker and would absolutely love this activity! Thank you for sharing at the #Made4Kids Link Up.


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