Today I am sharing a round up of 10+ Fun Halloween Ideas for Toddlers I have seen on Pinterest and circulating around the blog-o-sphere this past week. But first I wanted to share some of the creations my son brought home this week from home-based childcare.
10+ Fun Halloween Ideas for Toddlers
Be Creative,
October 30, 2015
Sunday Share #42 - Currently
Sunday Share
October 25, 2015
Hi there! How are you? How's your week been? A quick post today - Here's a few things I'm currently doing...(photos courtesy of my Instagram). Enjoy!
Organising: my kids art work in these Art Portfolios from K-Mart
Creating: this Washi Tape holder - using a couple of dowelling and a basket, pinned to the wall in my office. Simple! Which reminds me, I really need to buy some more washi tape - actually, I might put it on my Christmas wish list.
Playing: with water first thing in the morning...don't mind if I do...and yes, my son is still in his pyjamas. Hello Weekend!
Weeding: our gardens. It was a stunning Spring Sunday, so I spent a few hours in the garden, de-cluttering all the weeds, and overgrown plants. We still need to waterblast and paint the fence and find some new plants to put in this space (this is by our courtyard). Any suggestions welcome.
Sharing: this quote, just because...
How was your week? What have you been currently playing, creating, and organising?
POPULAR POST: Taking Stock: My First Year of Blogging
Let's connect on Social Media
Linking up with Becky from Choose Happy - Currently Series
#TuesdayTen: My Life in Photos
Facts about Me,
October 20, 2015
Wow, it's been a while since I wrote a Tuesday Ten post...How I feel about my body was the last post I shared back in July! Crazy! When I saw that the prompt for Tuesday Ten this week was to celebrate 'National Photographer Appreciation' month and share photos, I got a little excited because 1. I love photography and taking photos, and 2. I have missed linking up with Lisa, Rabia and the Tuesday Ten group, so here I am...HI!
When I say I take a lot of photos, I really mean it! Currently, there are over 30,000 photos on my laptop from 2013 to date, and there's over 3000 on my phone - I know (I told you I take a lot of photos) and I wonder why my phone and computer is so slow. It is priority on my to-do list - to sit down over the weekend and sort, organise and cull my photos...freeing up some space on my SD card and hard drive (wish me luck - I think I'm going to need it).
Scrolling through my camera roll (from my phone and camera), here are 10 photos I would like to share with you all today...Enjoy!
Caption this...
Yesterday I hosted a 'Bloggers Catch Up' with these lovely ladies - Jane from The Mother Hood, Nicci from At A Pinch, and new blogger Nichole from Emmy & Me. So lucky to have these ladies in my 'blogging life'! They are all an inspiration. Share the blog love and say hello.
Tonight we had, what I like to call "a 90's signature dish" - Good ol' browned mince, mashed potato and mixed veges. This used to be a favourite go-to dinner when we were younger, and you know still is.
Playing on the trampoline with my son - I thought it would be fun to get a photo...unfortunately, this is not what I had in mind. ha!
This is the life...chilling on the lawn, on a warm Spring day, surrounded by daisies and watching my son ride his bike. Bliss.
Miss B is such a great big sister - I love watching these two play together, they really are best friends.
No filter! Miss B enjoying water play on a stunning Spring day.
Miss B and I love our Mother & Daughter Dates.
I love Spring!
He's my little lefty (just like his Mama). Master M was like this for about 20 minutes "writing" on every page in my notebook! This boy loves to write and draw - so cool!
And here's one more...just because I absolutely LOVE this photo! #SiblingLove
Come and join me on Facebook and share the last photo you took on your phone.
Sunday Share #41 - Currently
Sunday Share
October 18, 2015
Week One of Term 4 has come to an end and it's a bit of blur of what we've been up to, so I am relying on my Instagram and Facebook to remind me. It's been a busy week, and there hasn't been much sleep happening, thanks to my teething toddler! Fingers crossed next week is better! Poor little man (and poor Mama).
Here's what I have been currently doing...
Cooking: One of my favourite slow-cooker recipes: Maggi Chicken Chasseur. It is oh-so delicious and I totally recommend it (with or without mushrooms). What's your favourite slow-cooker recipe?
Watching: my son get creative with painting (just like his Daddy, who is a spray-painter). When we started PLAY, the paint would always go straight to the mouth, now it's nice to watch my son put the paint to paper and create some special art for me to display at home.
Every night I spend 10 minutes in the Play Room...sorting, organising and returning toys & books to their 'homes', and because it's part of my evening routine, I don't find it an overwhelming job and it's done pretty quickly.
Toy Rotation boxes are great, especially if you have a lot of toys (that you are not willing to part with...just yet) and also grouping 'like things together' makes tidying up at the end of the day so much easier.
Do you have a Play Room or toy area in your home? Is it 'organised' or 'organised chaos'?

I never thought I would say this...but...I actually enjoy cleaning my oven. All I use is bicarb soda and white vinegar, and maybe a little bit of elbow grease for those stubborn stains. If you haven't tried this method, I recommend you give it go!
Stocking up on Christmas decorations & accessories from #KMart. One or two of these gorgeous goodies may have fallen into my trolley.

How was your week? What have you been currently ORGANISING, BUYING, and WONDERING?
GUEST POST: Decorating and Organising A Little Boy's Bedroom
POPULAR POST: Taking Stock: My First Year of Blogging
Let's connect on Social Media
Linking up with Becky from Choose Happy - Currently Series
PLAY IDEA: Painting With Toddlers
Be Creative,
Sensory Play
October 16, 2015
Painting is a great play activity for children of all ages. It is a way for children to be creative using different colours and textures of paint and to showcase their feelings through art. It is important for us (parents) to support and let our children paint their own way. Here are some ideas, tips and tricks for you to consider when "Painting With Toddlers"
There are so many benefits to painting, especially with toddlers. It helps children to develop hand, eye, arm and body coordination, also developing their finger and hand muscles. Children are able to experiment with colour and texture, and using this to express themselves.
We (parents) can support our children by talking to them about their art work, naming and dating their work, display it proudly in our homes, and provide opportunities to paint on different surfaces, including their hands.
You can either set up a painting area on a table or if you have one, an easel. Put some non-toxic paint (or make your own) in some small containers, add paper and your toddler is good to go! Have an apron, paint smock or an old t-shirt available for your tot to wear over his or her clothes, because this activity can get quite messy, very quickly, especially in the hands of toddlers.
Using an old egg carton as a paint tray is such a brilliant idea, because your toddler doesn't need a lot of paint, it's easily accessible, and clean up will be a breeze - once your little one has finished their 'masterpiece', pop the tray in a plastic bag and throw it in the rubbish.
Here are some ideas you might like to try, with your toddler, the next time you explore painting...
- Try using different textures in a range of sizes and colours e.g. paper, cardboard, fabric, wallpaper to paint on. Also other surfaces such as fences, stones and wood off cuts might interest your child.
- Use a range of paints such as powder, puffy, poster, acrylic, watercolour, dye, oil paints or natural products such as watered down clay.
- Have a range of bright clean colours and shades to choose from
- Use different painting tools such as brushes, sponges, rollers, leaves, cotton balls, fly swats
Does your toddler love to paint? Do you have any ideas, tips and tricks about 'Painting With Toddlers' that might help others? Leave a comment below.
Decorating and Organising A Little Boy's Bedroom {GUEST POST}
Be Organised,
Guest Post,
Organising My Home
October 14, 2015
The article is contributed by RenovationMates NW3.
Organising and decorating your little boy's bedroom can be fun and burdensome at the same time. There is so much stuff to think about and so little storage space. In addition, you have to combine colours, match designs, find appropriate storage containers and so much more! It is labour-intensive and time-consuming and it can cause you headaches. But it's worth it, especially when you see that your small one is having fun in his bedroom. So, to help you decorate and organise your boy's bedroom, here are a few tips and tricks. Let's get it started.
Sunday Share #40 - Currently
Be Yourself,
Sunday Share
October 11, 2015
Just a quick one this's what I'm currently doing in my life...
Wishing: my Dad a Happy Birthday! We went up north yesterday to visit him and my Mum. My Dad loves banana cake, so we picked one up on the way (too time poor to make one, sorry Dad). He loved it though, and it went down well with a hot cup of tea.
Getting: #inthepicture with my kids. This is something I have been doing since February, when Bron from Maxabella Loves shared this post. You can see all of my previous #inthepicture posts here.
Also, on the 10th of every month, I do a back up of everything on my computer, including ALL of my photos (and I have thousands!). It's reassuring to know that this is done on a regular basis.
Do you regularly back up your computer/photos? Did you get #inthepicture this month with your kids?
Buying: a few goodies for my Home Office. I am absolutely LOVING the new STYLO pastel stationery range from The Warehouse. The mint desk organiser is from #KMart. #stationeryaddict
Are you a stationery addict?
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Linking up with Becky from Choose Happy - Currently Series
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