Sunday Share: Currently - Week 8

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Loving: my Fliqlo - flip clock screen saver! I have wanted it for ages but I needed to update my whole MacBook Pro - so I did it (and it took half the day - I was running 10.7.5 eek). If you would like this awesome clock on your device - Sonia from Life, Love & Hiccups wrote all about it in this post - Keeping Time in Style

 Making: P L A Y D O U G H - you can see how I make it HERE (and these is even a gluten free recipe too)

Inspired: by this quote - (Art by Unraveled Design)

Comforting: my son who has been sick. Last week it was Miss B and this week both me and Master M were unwell. I hate viral bugs - but I love having extra cuddles with my kids. 

Admiring: the blue sky & sunshine - after a few days of miserable wet and windy weather. Finally caught up on my washing!

What's your all time favourite quote? Have you or your kids been sick lately? When was the last time YOU played with Playdough? What was your highlight from the week? Let me know in the comments below. 

Have a wonderful week, my friends.

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  1. Hope you and bubs are on the mend now! hope you have a fab week :)

  2. Sorry to hear you haven't been well, though glad you are on the mend. I LOVE playdough!!

  3. ahhh...Blue skies and sunshine...nothing better!!
    My kids LOVE playdoh at our house!
    Thank you so much for joining my Currently Link Up! Have a great week & Choose Happy! XOXO Becky


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