Welcome to another 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed it, here's
April and
May. Pip from
Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this, so be sure to check out her blog and share the blog love. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue to do, this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts
HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life. I am dedicating the last Sunday of every month to a Taking Stock post.
Here's what's been happening in the month of JUNE...
Making: plans for the school holidays - I'm going to need a holiday after!
Slow cooker Chocolate Self Sauce Pudding
Drinking: my last bottle of Coke - next month is DRY JULY. My partner are both doing it! No alcohol for him and no Coke for me! Wish us luck!
Reading: lots of amazing blogs in our Friday Favourites link party.
Wanting: (and needing) a haircut...one day...
Looking: forward to catching up with friends and family in the school holidays.
Playing: with water & bubbles at Playcentre - our kids love washing the animals
Deciding: what to do next...
My Office |
Wishing: my niece a very Happy Birthday x
Enjoying: work this year! I am working with a great staff and awesome students.
Waiting: for my Tax refund.
Liking: a clean kitchen
Loving: my family.
Buying: mint stationery supplies for my desk (from KMart)
Mint Stationery Supplies |
Watching: Grey's Anatomy and Chicago Med - I really like Hospital dramas
Hoping: to start purging my teacher resources this week - I'm actually looking forward to it.
Needing: to organise the kids toys.
Wearing: my ugg boots. I usually live in my jandals, even through Winter...however it's been cold lately, so I bought a new pair of uggs.
Admiring: my Dad.
Miscellaneous items - thanks to the KonMari method.
Celebrating: Matariki at my school - I presented this amazing korowai (cloak) - covered in 278 feathers, decorated by the students. They all loved it.
Celebrating Matariki |
Giggling: at Master M's facials when the rubbish/recycling truck drives passed!
Feeling: blah (emotional) this week. I really hope next week is better.
Helping: a friend re-design her blog - I really enjoy that sort of stuff.
Getting: organised!
Creating a Custom Desktop Organiser by
A House Full of Sunshine
My very own Custom Desktop Organiser |
Hearing: rain! ugh Winter is here.
Slicing: fresh fruit for morning tea at PlayCentre.
Forgetting: to get meat out for dinner! Oops
Winning: a Gorgeous bracelet from
Fabuleux Vous for renewing my year subscription to
OHbaby! Magazine. See it
Pretending: everything is O.K, when sometimes it's not.
Sneaking: a bag of mixed M&Ms in this weeks grocery shop.
Embracing: this motto - Keeping Life Simple
Now it's YOUR turn...
Tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was JUNE for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
Read previous
Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts
Until next time, I hope the next month treats you well!
Linking up at these parties.
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