Here's what's been happening in the month of FEBRUARY..
Making: decorations for Master M's birthday. These are going to be Dinosaur Balloons! Free template download from Mel at Flicker & Flock.

Reading: junk mail - it's a guilty pleasure
Wanting & Needing: to get a haircut this week! It's been way to long eek.
Enjoying: my new job, teaching in a Bi-lingual unit. I'm also teaching whole school Te Reo Māori.
Looking: forward to the kids birthdays!
Eating: 'Snickerlicious' treats my friend made using Chelsea Winter's recipe - from your book 'Scrumptious'.

Eating: 'Snickerlicious' treats my friend made using Chelsea Winter's recipe - from your book 'Scrumptious'.

Wishing: everyone who celebrated a birthday this month, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL!
Buying: hair dye tomorrow. Self care - Colour & Cut in a week.
Playing: in the sandpit at Playcentre - volcanoes, pools and moats! I love Playcentre.
Hoping: everything goes to plan this weekend - we have a lot happening: Birthdays, family day, school trip and a trip to the Zoo!
Marvelling: at my son's spunky new hair. So handsome. I can't believe he's going to be 3 on Sunday, and my daughter is going to be 12, three days later. Eek.
Feeling: so much lighter since I KonMari'd the kids clothes & books! Paper, Komono and Sentimental to go! Check out my new series: KonMari With Kids.

Watching: Season 7 of Gilmore Girls! I'm on the home stretch. I have loved watching all the episodes from the beginning.
Celebrating: International Correspondence month thanks to my Insta gal-pal Kim for sending me the gorgeous card at the top of this post! I love #happymail.
Now it's YOUR turn...
Tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was FEBRUARY for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
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Have a wonderful week
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