Hi there! Can you believe it's been three months since I last wrote a blog post and six months since I wrote one for Taking Stock? That's insane...I've taken 'breaks' before but not this long, and I have missed it so much. I've missed connecting with YOU...my readers.
Welcome to the second to last 'Taking Stock' post for 2017. If you are new to Teacher by trade, Mother by nature (WELCOME) you can read all of my 'Taking Stock' posts HERE. Pip from Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this series, so be sure to check out her blog. This is something I have been doing since I started blogging and will continue to do this year (well some of the year oops) - I love looking back at previous months. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life.
Here's what's been happening in the month of NOVEMBER...
Making: memories with my family, including getting our family photos taken by Simply Beached Photography.
Cooking: a family favourite - Mediterranean Meatballs. So good.
Drinking: lots of water! The weather is starting to warm up so my intake of water is increasing every day.
Reading: catalogues/current mailers for Christmas present ideas.
Wanting: this year to pause...just for a moment.
Looking: forward to seeing the rest of our family photos. I am obsessed with the sneak peek.
Playing: rugby, soccer and cricket out the backyard with the kids.
Deciding: what colour decor / decorations to use this year...stay tuned...all will be revealed soon!
Enjoying: listening to music on my Bluetooth speaker I got for my birthday...currently listening to P!nk's new album - Beautiful Trauma.
Pondering: how to spend our Summer holidays - I feel like a family road trip is on the cards again.

Celebrating: my birthday on Tuesday (28th November), I had a fantastic day - I had my school sing my happy birthday in English and Maori, followed by our family photos being taken and a yummy dinner and Pavlova for dessert.
Pondering: how to spend our Summer holidays - I feel like a family road trip is on the cards again.

Celebrating: my birthday on Tuesday (28th November), I had a fantastic day - I had my school sing my happy birthday in English and Maori, followed by our family photos being taken and a yummy dinner and Pavlova for dessert.
Watching: Sisters on Netflix. Such a funny movie.
Hoping: to finish my Project Life albums...I've been a bit slack lately. I must get back into it.
Needing: new clothes for Summer, my current clothes are not sparking any joy! Time to go shopping. Out with the old...in with the new.
Questioning: why my daughter ended up in hospital twice this year with Asthma. We were doing so well. #asthmasucks
Smelling: my new Fox & Ivy French Pear room spray - it's so good. I ordered a French Pear car diffuser from SoyDelightsNZ too. Can you tell I love French Pear? (I have an Ecoya French Pear candle too)
Wearing: pyjama pants - I bought a few new ones this month.
Buying: Christmas presents - we are keeping it simple this year - WANT/NEED/WEAR and READ.

Following: Sarah at Keeping Up With Joneses (I recently gave Sarah's blog a makeover and new logo). I have just started following Beth atOrganisingWithB - her LBD planner is #plannergoals
Noticing: it's hard to get back into blogging after having such a long break...fingers crossed I get my mojo back! I have missed connecting with you all.
Thinking: about my nephew and his family who have lost someone very special xx Fly High xx
Admiring: Leanne from Organising The Four of Us & Leanne Baker Daily. She is Ah-Mazing!
Hoping: to finish my Project Life albums...I've been a bit slack lately. I must get back into it.
Needing: new clothes for Summer, my current clothes are not sparking any joy! Time to go shopping. Out with the old...in with the new.
Questioning: why my daughter ended up in hospital twice this year with Asthma. We were doing so well. #asthmasucks
Smelling: my new Fox & Ivy French Pear room spray - it's so good. I ordered a French Pear car diffuser from SoyDelightsNZ too. Can you tell I love French Pear? (I have an Ecoya French Pear candle too)
Wearing: pyjama pants - I bought a few new ones this month.
Buying: Christmas presents - we are keeping it simple this year - WANT/NEED/WEAR and READ.

Following: Sarah at Keeping Up With Joneses (I recently gave Sarah's blog a makeover and new logo). I have just started following Beth at
Noticing: it's hard to get back into blogging after having such a long break...fingers crossed I get my mojo back! I have missed connecting with you all.
Thinking: about my nephew and his family who have lost someone very special xx Fly High xx
Admiring: Leanne from Organising The Four of Us & Leanne Baker Daily. She is Ah-Mazing!
Sorting: decades of my parents photos...from the 50's to now. It was a massive job, but oh-so rewarding.

Loving: my 2018 Leanne Baker Daily Planner. I chose Flourish and it is absolutely gorgeous.
Feeling: excited about going to P!nk's Beautiful Trauma Concert Tour next year! eek! I can't believe it's been 10 years since she last came to New Zealand.
Getting: ready for our 12 Days of Christmas - Kiwi Mummy Blogger - Blog Collaboration...it starts Friday 1st December over on my blogging gal-pal Claire's blog - My Other Name is Mum. Would love for you to join us! #KMB12DaysofChristmas
If you're not already following me on Social Media...you can find me on Facebook and Instagram. You can see all my photos from the past several months and catch up on what I've been up to!
I'd love for you to tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was November for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts
Have a wonderful week

Loving: my 2018 Leanne Baker Daily Planner. I chose Flourish and it is absolutely gorgeous.
Feeling: excited about going to P!nk's Beautiful Trauma Concert Tour next year! eek! I can't believe it's been 10 years since she last came to New Zealand.
Getting: ready for our 12 Days of Christmas - Kiwi Mummy Blogger - Blog Collaboration...it starts Friday 1st December over on my blogging gal-pal Claire's blog - My Other Name is Mum. Would love for you to join us! #KMB12DaysofChristmas
If you're not already following me on Social Media...you can find me on Facebook and Instagram. You can see all my photos from the past several months and catch up on what I've been up to!
Now it's YOUR turn...I'd love for you to tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was November for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts
Have a wonderful week