How I Feel About My Body (#TuesdayTen/#1Word)

I don't really like to talk about my body, let alone find the words to describe how I actually feel about it and put it in a blog post. Then I had a lightbulb moment...I recently watched the latest Disney movie Inside Out - a movie about five emotions that come to life in a young girl's conscious mind, and thought this would be a great way to share how I feel about my body, using these five emotions - Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear and Joy. 
Image credit: via
I get upset when I look in the mirror, see my reflection in shop windows or when someone else takes a photo of me because all I see my are my flaws. I am my own worst enemy, seeing the negative rather than the positive. Days like this make me want to cry in the shower, or curl up on the couch , wearing my baggy trackies and a hoody, eating chocolate and drinking coke. I shut off from the world around me and feel sorry for myself. 

I admit, I have days when I hate my body, especially certain parts, but some times I bring it on myself and often blame myself for getting into this predicament. I chose to eat that Big Mac and large Coke for lunch the other day, or refused to go for a walk because I don't want to be seen in public. That's on me! No one else. Me.

I hate when I compare my body to others, and constantly ask myself, "Why don't I look like that?", Man, I wish I had... a small waist, no double chin, and a 'thigh gap'! Comparing yourself to others is one of the worst things you can do, however in today's society it's kind of hard not to, because it's always in our face! Lisa from The Golden Spoons shares 10 ways society is destroying my daughter's body image and I know many of us can relate to most, if not all, of these points. 
    There are times when I have been disgusted in what I see, thinking this is not the body I had envisioned for myself after having my second baby. With my first, I gained 9kg and bounced back to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty quickly, actually I lost too much weight and looked quite sickly. With my second pregnancy, I gained quite a bit of extra weight (in my defence, I did give birth to an almost 11 pounder) and that weight has lingered a lot longer than what I hoped. 
      By now, you know I have many insecurities, especially when it comes to my body. I am always thinking about how I see myself, the way my family and friends see me and also the way other people see me. I know you are not meant to care about what other people think, but sometimes most times, I do. I have had people make comments like "Oh, you've put on a bit of weight" or "How long to go (assuming I am pregnant again)?". My first thought was WOW! I want to slap you in the face, but then the other part of me, is like - thank you, thank you for saying what everyone else is thinking. At first, I would laugh it off, to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation, but then later on, I will over-analyse it and next thing I know, I am back to Sadness. 

      One fear I have is that my insecurities of my own body will affect my daughter, so I am cautious about what I say around her or in front of her. I keep most of my issues to myself, because they are my issues, not hers. I will, however, focus on the things I love about my body. I need to be a role model for my daughter and I want her to love her body, so I need to change my thinking and my lifestyle so that I love my body too. 
        One thing I have learned to love and accept are my stretch marks, also known as my tiger stripes. I earned them and I embrace them. They are a reminder of my pregnancies - the good, the bad and the ugly - and I gave birth to my two beautiful children, who are my world - my stretch marks are with me forever and I am okay with that. 

        On the topic of children, another thing I love about my body is that I have been able to breastfeed both my children. I breastfed my daughter for 25 months and currently breastfeeding my 16 month old and he is showing no signs of slowing down either. I absolutely love breastfeeding and promoting it too.  In fact, I am currently organising our city's Big Latch On event on the 31st July and I can't wait. 

        One final note, I came across this amazing body image comic by illustrator Colleen Clark. She reminds us that our bodies don't define us. I love this and it is so true. Yes, I have body issues, insecurities, low days but my body does not define who I am. I have a's not the only thing I have. I will still get #inthepicture with my kids. 

        How do you feel about your body? 
         photo name-ttmn-august_zpshrr4gsul.png

        Linking up with:
        Tuesday Ten with Lisa & Rabia
        One Word (#1Word) hosted by The Golden SpoonsConfessions of a Mommyholicand Blogitudes

        My 2nd Liebster Award ***Happy Dance***

        I am so happy and totally doing my happy dance right now because Ruth from Mummy and The Mexican tweeted that she received a Liebster Award (Yaye!) and she then nominated ME! (Double Yaye!). I am very honoured to be nominated for a Liebster Award. This is actually my second time I have recieved a Liebster, you can read about my first nomination here. Thank you so much Ruth - You are a STAR! 

        The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to reach out and learn more about the blogs they enjoy. It also acknowledges bloggers, especially newbie bloggers and gives them the recognition they deserve. Accepting the award means answering 11 questions asked of you and adding in 11 facts about yourself. Then nominating your own 3-11 bloggers and asking them 11 questions of your own. (Please note: the 'rules' of the Liebster Award varies across the blogosphere - the ultimate goal is to Share the Blog Love) 

        Here are my questions from Mummy & The Mexican

        1.  How long have you been blogging?

        I have been blogging since September 24th, 2014. However, Teacher by trade - Mother by nature started off as a Facebook page. You can read more about it here.

        2.  Where are you right now?

        At home. (Home is New Zealand) 

        3.  What's your day job?

        Mother, cleaner, bank manager, social media addict, teacher, blogger, photographer, chef, nurse, chauffeur, playmate, babysitter all rolled into one - formally known as a "Stay-at-home Mum" and I LOVE IT! (oh and I teach a class of 7-8 year olds on Tuesdays) 

        4.  What did you study/ have you studied/ are you studying?

        I have a Bachelor of Education (Primary) and a Diploma in Te Ara Reo Māori (Maori Language) 

        5.  What do you normally have for breakfast?

        A cup of tea and toast (sometimes I will have weet-bix) 

        6.  What song/piece of music would you choose as your theme song if they made a film of your life?

        Ooh this is a hard one! aarrghh the (sorry)

        7.  What's your favourite object and why?

        My Canon DSLR camera! Love it! It captures so many beautiful memories for me to cherish and share.

        8.  What would you like to study or learn how to do if you had the chance?

        I would love to study photography. So many people have told me I should too! It's definitely on my to-do list :) 

        9.  What do you struggle with the most in your everyday life?

        Time management! (ha!) Usually I am pretty good - but there are times that procrastination takes over and I just end up getting overwhelmed! 

        10.  Who are your heroes?

        My Mum & Dad!

        11. Name a work of art, a poem or a book that makes you feel something.

        Motherhood is Rewarding

        - I'm left handed
        - I can move my ears without touching them
        - I love to be organised, but I am sentimental hoarder
        - I met my partner online
        - I take photos everyday 
        - I don't like change
        - My first job was doing the Paper Run (delivering newspapers) 
        - I have a Black tip in Tae Kwon Do (haven't done it since I was 12) 
        - My eye colour changes with the moon 
        - I am a Sagittarius
        - I still have my favourite stuffed toy from when I was baby!

        Congratulations to these lovely ladies!
        Girl on a MissiOn
        Happy Mum, Happy Child
        Raising Queens
        Mummy Do It
        Nesting in the Country
        A Kiwi Mumma
        You Had Us At Hello
        Gen-Y Mum
        The Golden Spoons
        Confessions of a Mommyholic

        1. What motivated you to start your blog and how long have you been blogging?
        2. What does your family think about you blogging?
        3. What is your favourite quote? 
        4. What makes you laugh out loud? 
        5.  What is your most prized possession? 
        6. What is the best feedback you have ever received on a blog post?
        7. Who inspires you? 
        8. What is your favorite post that you’ve written? (Please provide link!)
        9. What are three things you cannot live without?

        10.What is your greatest joy in life?
        11. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-year-old self?

        This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by: 
        and Marcia of Blogitudes. This week, the word prompt choices were Time and Happy


        Milestone Moment: Turning ONE!

        I can't believe it! Teacher by trade - Mother by nature will be turning ONE this weekend! How crazy is that? Just like a baby, a blog reaches many milestone moments - from the first post, 100 Likes, first comment to the FIRST YEAR of blogging and everything in between.

        Taking Stock - April 2015

        Each month I am inspired by Pip from Meet Me At Mikes to write a blogpost about "Taking Stock". I really enjoy reflecting on the things that are happening in my life. I can't believe April is almost done and dusted - it's ridiculous = time sure does fly when you're having fun. 

        M is for Make Your Own Ribbon Memo Board

        Yesterday Miss B & I had another Mother & Daughter Date. We went to the op-shop to find us some bargains and Miss B found a cork-board for a couple of dollars and I thought - PERFECT - we can do a bit of DIY and make a ribbon memo board for her room. There are so many variations of how to make these Memo/Bulletin/Notice boards. Here is a simple tutorial of how to "Make your own Ribbon Memo Board". 

        You will need:  
        Cork-board, batting, fabric, ribbon, washi tape (optional), pins, brass fasteners or brads (not pictured), scissors & gun stapler.

        Here's what you do:
        1. Cut batting to size and staple it to the cork-board. Cut off any excess batting.

         2. Now take your fabric and trim to size, leaving a generous outline (you can cut off excess*)
        Pull the fabric tight before stapling it to the board. 
        *Instead of cutting the excess fabric, fold it under and then staple.

        3. Cut and place the ribbon however you would like it (Miss B chose the diamond effect). Once you are happy with it, use a pin to secure the ribbon where it crosses over (where two ribbons meet) - this will keep the ribbon in place while you staple the edges to the board. 
        4. Originally we were going to use tacs (pins) but the cork-board was too thin for them to stay we bought a little box of brass fasteners (brads) from the dollar store. For this: you will need a hammer & small nail to make a hole through the ribbon and cork-board (use a piece of wood underneath the cork-board, so you know when to stop), then put the brad through the hole, flip the board over and push down the sides of the brad. 

        5. OPTIONAL: Frame your board with washi tape (do this after the ribbon stage). You can find a design that will suit your decor or theme. 

        Here is the final product!

        Now you can add photos, memos or whatever you like to your new Ribbon Memo Board!

        PIN IT! 
        (hover over top left corner of image)

        Linking Up 

        This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by: 
         Lisa of The Golden Spoons, Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholicand Marcia of BlogitudesThis week, the word prompt choices were Fright & Yesterday


        H is for Homemade Play Recipes

        Looking for simple, fun and affordable activities for the kids? Lucky for you, I found these awesome homemade play recipes I'm sure the kids will love. Just a heads up though - it might get messy, very messy - however, it's a great opportunity for kids to experience sensory play, using a variety of materials and textures. So click on the images below to see more details of each homemade play recipe and ENJOY!

        Motherhood is Rewarding (#1Word Challenge)

        It's true - Motherhood is rewarding, despite the constant grind. I have been a Mum for 10 years and it has been the most wonderful, life-changing experience of my life. Recently, I decided to take a trip down memory lane - reading"My Pregnancy"A Record Book and a keepsake I will treasure forever. As I was flicking through the pages, something fell was a letter written by my "second" Mum (my best friend's Mum). The letter was given to me before I had my baby and before I began my journey as a mother.

        A special letter dedicated to a first time Mum & her unborn baby...

        Here's Looking at Your Kid
        I dedicate this to your new baby, well where do I begin...
        From goos and gas and crying to its gooby, dribbly chin
        So glorious is motherhood, wet napkins by the mile, 
        Sleepless nights and teething, all topped off with a smile. 

        Blessed are baby days, destruction at its best,
        You won't begin to tally the treasures that go west. 
        And how about the toys and things, scattered 'round the place, 
        So Mum can come and trip on them, and splat down on her face. 

        The joys of toilet training, sitting them on the toilet, 
        You'll pull faces to amuse your tot and pray they'll leave a deposit. 
        But oh alas, its not to be, you sit and shake your head, 
        Baby really doesn't need to go Mum, they'll do it later in their bed. 

        Baby fancies a bit of fingerpaint, and when you've cleaned them up, 
        They have fun in your pot-plants isn't that just your luck. 
        You're off to town, all dressed up, so now you're ready Mum, 
        You won't mind if I suddenly vomit down your front. 

        The battle of the dinner hour, resembling World War One, 
        Pretending to be a choo-choo train in the hope that they'll swallow some. 
        They spit and choke and blubber, rubbing it in their hair, 
        And then proceed to grind it in the cracks of their highchair. 

        Pre-school years are looming, the whys and wherefores come, 
        "Please Mum, can you tell me the obvious - I'm dumb"
        Now if you should ignore me, I'll stand and pull your dress, 
        Till you come up with an answer, a reply you can't suppress. 

        Off to school peace at last, hey Mum! You've got to be kidding, 
        I'll be in fine form when I come home, I always end up winning. 

        Let me in your kitchen, I fancy myself as a chef, 
        When my masterpiece is complete, you won't have any food left. 
        Your fridge it will be empty, my stomach will be bulging, 
        And Mum, now incidentally, the dishes may need washing. 

        How's your budget going Mum? I've written you a list, 
        For all the vital things in life, I really shouldn't miss.
        We'll start with clothes and CD's, then graduate up the scale, 
        To my own TV, cellphone and computer for my e-mails. 

        Can I borrow the car Mum? I've got a date tonight. 
        We're off to the nightclub and perhaps we'll grab a bite. 
        I promise we'll be in by ten or maybe it will be one. 
        Please don't wait up and worry, we'll only be having fun. 

        So we've just about come full circle, keep this thought in mind, 
        Motherhood is rewarding, despite the constant grind. 

        Charlene - Here's to your future years shared with your new wee one. 
        Love Shelley* (Mum 2) xxx ooo xxx

        OXO for bubs. I can't wait for the arrival

        Shelley was a beautiful woman, a wife, a mother of two daughters (my 'second' Mum), a sister, an aunty, and a special friend. Shelley was a wonderful writer/poet, who always spoke from her heart. My 'second' Mum (Shelley) sadly passed away several years ago, so this wonderful letter will be treasured forever - in fact, I am reliving it with baby #2.

        This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by: 
         Lisa of The Golden Spoons, 
        and Marcia of Blogitudes.
         This week, the word prompt choices were Wonderful and Confused

        Also linking up with The Deliberate Mom

        Linking up with


        Not-So-Secret Advice for New Mums

        There's one thing you'll notice when you become pregnant or a new mum...everyone around you seems to become an expert on how you should parent your new bundle of joy. Whether you are a soon-to-be mum or a new mum, trying to take in lots of advice can become quite overwhelming and daunting, to say the least. But there are also things about motherhood that mums eventually wish someone told them.

        Recently on a Mum & Bubs Facebook page, Mothers with 2 or 3+ children were asked to share their not-so-secret advice and tips for new mums and with their permission, I get to share it with YOU! Enjoy!

        "Relax and breathe. Take every moment as it comes and don't stress if everything is not going the way it 'should'. Sleep when baby is sleeping, forget about the piles of washing and treasure every moment. It goes by faster than you realise!" (Shaz)

        "Do what you have to do, don't stress about the 'right' way to do things. So-called 'bad habits' can be changed. Use your support people (partner, family etc). Don't feel that you have to be Super Mum and don't pretend things are great if they aren't. We all know how hard it can be sometimes. And my golden rule - a nap wins out over housework every time!" (Gina)

        "Receiving help isn't a sign of failure. All the 'good advice' means nothing if it doesn't suit your family. Don't sweat the small stuff. Your partner/husband wants to help...let them, even if you think they don't do it right. Sleep when you can." (Sarah)

        "Don't be too proud or shy to tell people to do washing, dinner, mow lawns, garden etc." (Ren)

        "Go with the flow. Do what's right and works for you...enjoy the cuddles and them being little. You can't get it back!" (Clare)

        "Sleep when baby does! Housework CAN wait. Ask for help!" (Kelsie)

        "As a Mum, you learn something new every day. No Mum is perfect" (Tarnz)

        "Happy Mama, Happy Bubba. Always do what you feel is right for you and your baby. Definitely treasure each moment - it goes fast! " (Chiara)

        "Don't be too proud to ask for practical help." (Silvia)

        "Treasure every minute, there's nothing like your first baby. And try not to listen too much to all the advice you're given, just do what works for you..." (Jasmine)

        Treasure every moment!
        "Don't feel bad or guilty doing things your own way, even if your wise and experienced mother or nana, keep telling you how to do things. No one knows your child like you do, your personal beliefs, comfort zone and mothers intuition will be the best guide. No child is the same, so don't compare your child's development to another. If you do, it's like you're unintentionally putting pressure on the baby to progress faster. And sleep as much are you can because you never know when your kid will put an all-nighter". (Bianca) 

        "Do what's right for you family, if you want to bottle feed, then do it. Don't worry what others say."

        "Try not to freak out" (Emma)

        "Relax and don't listen to all the advice from others (lol). Everyone will have something to say about something but do what feels right for YOU." (Mellissa)

        "Take each day as it comes. Some will be worse than others. Remember to spend individual time with your other kids. And enjoy them while they are little..." (Katherine)

        "Always have chilled wine in the fridge" (Helen)

        "Don't sweat the small stuff and your older kids can be great helpers. If its not working...start again." (Amanda)

        "...I have twin 16 month olds, maybe different to singles but you can't give in and never rock a baby to sleep because you will still be doing it when number 2 comes" (Tash)

        "They are only little for a short time - everything is a phase and it will get better...Just think 'this too will pass'"! (Jane)

        "...Just relax and stay in tune with your children they can usually teach you a lot more than a book can. Don't take on everyone's advice because we are all different and so are our children. If something works for you then do it. Relax and love them, you can't go wrong. And always ask for help if you need it". (Amber)

        "Spend individual time with older kids...even if it's just a story - uninterrupted is so valuable". (Lauren)

        "When incorporating change into your babies routine, perserverance is the key! Sleeping, eating, discipline etc keep going, don't give up, children adapt easily so try and set routines that work for you". (Carly)

        "I only have 1, but my advice would be: add 2 weeks to your due date when you tell people! Mine was 2 weeks late and so many people asked what I was waiting for...Like I wanted to wait even longer than the 40 weeks to meet this treasure!!!" (Miranda)

        And my advice to new mums:
        Give yourself a pat on the back every so often - Here's a virtual High 5! 
        You're doing a great job Mama! 

        What's one piece of not-so-secret advice you would share with a new mum? 

        ***A special Thank You to all the mothers that shared their not-so-secret advice and tips for new mums. You are all fabulous!

        Real Friends vs Fake Friends (1 Word Challenge)

        Real friends are a rare breed. I have met a lot of people in my life and most of them have become really good friends of mine. Distinguishing a real friend from a fake friend can be hard to do though. In my opinion, real friends are the people you can go to for anything, no matter what...they are the ones that see the good, the bad and the ugly. Where as fake friends may be your friend on Facebook, just to have a nosy at what's happening in your life. Over the years, friendships have come and gone but my REAL friends have stuck around through thick and thin. Although we don't see each other everyday, when we are together, it's like we were never apart...those friends in my eyes...are your REAL friends.  I actually wrote this post about two of my best friends.

        Here's a guide to figuring out if your friends are REAL or FAKE...

        1. Support the choices you make
        A real friend will support the choices that you make in life. Whether it's giving up smoking, leaving your husband or changing your career, a real friend will be there supporting you every step of the way.

        2. You trust them with your secrets
        Real friends stay true to their word and will not gossip about you or share your secrets with every Tom, Dick and Harry. They respect you too much for that. Fake friends will use your secrets as ammo or conversation starters to gain a few brownie points with other friends.

        3. Encourage you to explore your interests
        As we get older, we find that we like different things and discover new interests - may be something that is totally opposite to what we would normally do. A real friend will let you do your thing and whole heartedly encourage you to enjoy the new journey.

        4. Be goofy
        You know those random, goofy things that we do on a regular basis? - a real friend loves much so that if they are a true friend - they will be standing right next to you doing the exact same thing!

        5. Forgive you 
        There may be times that you seriously screw things up...fake friends might take it very seriously and can cost you a friendship. Real friends will know that you f*&#ed up and will forgive you because they value your friendship too much.

        6. Know your little quirks
        No one else knows you quite like your real friends...especially when it comes to the little quirks you have. It's when they notice those quirks - you have definitely found yourself a real friend.

        7. They make time for you
        Fake friends will contact you if and when they need something or want to know some gossip. Real friends are genuinely interested in what's happening in your life and make the time to do so.

        8. They take you as you are
        A real friend won't care if you rock over to their place in trackies and a hoody or even in your pyjamas - they might have a laugh and will probably be wearing the same! They don't care, they just want to hang out with their BFF! If you have to always wear nice clothes, and do your hair just to hang out, then you might have fake friends. Again, real friends see the good, the bad and the ugly!

        9. Always there for you
        One of the biggest differences between real and fake friends is how they deal with your ups and downs. Your real friends will be right there next to you listening to whatever you have to say, whether it's happy or sad, good or bad. If you are feeling down, a fake friend will try to sweep it under the carpet and may change the subject.

        And just for fun...

        This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by:
         Lisa of The Golden Spoons, 
        and Marcia of Blogitudes.
         This week, the word prompt choices were Fake and Quiet.


        Out of Office

        Hi all, 
        I have decided to step away from the blog for a few days - so that will mean no #TuesdayTen or 1 Word Blog Challenge Link Up this week. 

        Although I am not linking up, please head over and check out the host & co-hosts, and many more amazing bloggers. 

        The Golden Spoons (#TuesdayTen & 1 Word Challenge)
        The Lieber Family (#TuesdayTen)
         Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic  (1 Word Blog Challenge)
        Marcia of Blogitudes (1 Word Blog Challenge)

         If you have been following me for a while, you will already know that I have got quite a lot on my to-do list e.g. Open Homes (we are now 'View by Appointment'), Planning and Organising 3 parties this weekend due to both my kids celebrating a milestone age (Master M is turning ONE and Miss B is turning TEN).

        I will be back for {Sunday Share} - sharing tidbits from the "parties" and also photos from FMS Photo a Day Challenge. So keep an eye out for that post! 

        I will still be active on my Facebook & my Instagram - so come over and say Hi!

        Back to the party planning for me! 
        Wish me Luck!


        Let's Begin...(1 Word Challenge)

        I don't even know where to begin...
        I can honestly say...I am having a s*%@ day and I am depressed! I only need to look around my house to know that I am having one of my low days...There are dishes on the bench, I can't even see the other side and my dining table is covered with random stuff. My lounge looks like a tornado has been through it, oh wait - that would be my 11 month old son! On top of the house looking like a disaster, I have to actually (eventually) clean it for Open Home on Sunday, make decorations for the kids birthday parties (doing everything on a very tight budget), get my planning finished for work (unit plan etc) and make time for my blog (I actually take blogging seriously, its more than a hobby to me).

        I am exhausted, I have had bugger all sleep this past week due to Master M waking several times in the night and it has finally caught up on me! I am feeling very emotional and overwhelmed by everything that is happening in my life! It was just the other day that I had an OMG moment, when I realised that it's my kid's birthdays next week, NEXT WEEK!!! Arrrrghhhhh!! From today, Master M will be turning ONE in 7 days & Miss B will be turning TEN in 10 days - all I keep saying is "I'm not ready for this"! (I am in total denial)
        Photo of me at 40 weeks pregnant with Master M
        (my due date: 24th February)
        With all thats been happening in our lives, I haven't had a chance to just sit down and reflect on Master M's first year or look back at Miss B's ten years - TEN YEARS! Two massive milestones and I have swept them both under the covers...I just don't think I am ready to accept that my babies are growing up! Everything is happening so fast, I feel like I need 6 more months just to catch up!

        I know that I am going to be an emotional wreck leading up to their birthdays (wait - I already am!) -  plus getting the house ready Open Home on Sunday, work on Tuesday, blogging and planning/organising their birthdays (which are happening next weekend) - can you see why I am a little overwhelmed (okay I am VERY overwhelmed), however it's no surprise to anyone that I thrive on pressure and no matter how exhausted I am or will get, I will #makeithappen! I would be really proud of myself if I do manage to pull it off and I will have time to nap after the 12th - by then the house will *hopefully* be sold and the parties are all over rover!

        These are the MAIN things that I am dealing with at the moment!
        • Planning and Organising three birthday parties (2x Saturday and 1xSunday)
        • Teacher planning for work (unit plans typed and emailed before Tuesday)
        • Blogging - writing posts
        • Clean house and get it ready for Open Home on Sunday - go and visit some Open Homes. 
        • Update Master M's baby books and keepsake box.
        • Take a moment or two to reflect on the TEN years of being a MUM!!
        AAARRGGGHHHHH Where do I begin???

        ***A few moments later***
        Okay, please forgive me, you just witnessed me having a mini breakdown! I am just glad you never got to see it real life - it wasn't pretty)...I have had depression for over 10 years and I have come to know what my tell-tale signs are e.g. crying (lots of crying), messy & cluttered home...and I have also learnt a few things along the way that help me get through an episode, not matter how big or small it is...

        1. Firstly, accept that there is a problem and whether or not you need to ask for help or if you can help yourself. Write down everything that is bothering you or that is on your mind (kind of like letting it all out...on paper), thinking about what, who, where, why, when? Breaking it down makes it easier to choose a problem, task or area to focus on - it's important to tackle things one at a time. 

        2. Now that you have chosen ONE task to work on (the other tasks will be done later on), think about ways/solutions that you can get the job done, without becoming overloaded or overwhelmed again. I love lists, so this step is one that I really enjoy! Write a to-do list or put all your ideas on paper, that way you can physically see it and it's one less thing in your (already overloaded) brain! 

        3. Now to make a plan! Think SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Timely) and put it into action! You can do this! Good luck! Once you have tackled the problem/task - give yourself a pat on the back and maybe a treat before moving onto the next problem. If you didn't resolve it, go back to #2 and maybe choose another solution. 

        Now wish me luck, as I am going to tackle my first problem - CLEAN THE HOUSE! I can't concentrate when there is mess or clutter around me (on top of an already cluttered mind) I am going to do 15 minute increments of tidying up each area of my home!

        Let's begin!

        This post is a part of The 1 Word Blog Challenge - Hosted by Lisa at The Golden Spoons
        This weeks word prompts were Begin, Surprise & Forgive

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