Organising My Home: WEEK FIVE #3Days2GetOrganised

This challenge has been fantastic for me and I hope it has been the same for you too, but sadly this #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge has to come to an end. We finish the week organising our shoes, batteries and one more area still to do...keep reading for more details...

Organising My Home: WEEK FOUR #31Days2GetOrganized

In Week 4, we tackled some really good areas during the 'Organising My Home' series - with help from organised guru, Peter Walsh's #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge. My favourite tasks were Pens, Gift Wrapping and Pantry - check out my photos and you will know why.

Organising My Home: WEEK THREE #31Days2GetOrganized

Three weeks down, and just under two to go of my 'Organising My Home' series - with some help from organised guru, Peter Walsh's #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge. How are YOU getting on in your home? Is your home looking and feeling more organised? 

Organising My Home: WEEK TWO #31Days2GetOrganized

Can you believe we are already half through the 'Organising My Home' series - #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge. Are you seeing a difference in your home? I am. Now if you have just joined us, it's not too late to follow along with the challenge - for more details about this series/challenge, read about it here. 

Organising My Home: WEEK ONE #31Days2GetOrganized

This time last week I started my 'Organising My Home' series - kicking it of with Peter Walsh's amazing #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge and I have completed Week 1 - Woohoo! Now if you have just joined us, it's not too late to follow along with the challenge - for more details about this series/challenge, read about it here. 

Organising My Home: The #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge

It's time to wave good bye to Winter and say Hello to Spring! A perfect time to get our homes clean, de-cluttered and organised.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the piles of 'stuff' located in different areas of your home, have too many clothes and plastic containers or have an avalanche of washing to fold? I do!
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