#TuesdayTen: My Life in Photos

Wow, it's been a while since I wrote a Tuesday Ten post...How I feel about my body was the last post I shared back in July! Crazy! When I saw that the prompt for Tuesday Ten this week was to celebrate 'National Photographer Appreciation' month and share photos, I got a little excited because 1. I love photography and taking photos, and 2. I have missed linking up with Lisa, Rabia and the Tuesday Ten group, so here I am...HI!

When I say I take a lot of photos, I really mean it! Currently, there are over 30,000 photos on my laptop from 2013 to date, and there's over 3000 on my phone - I know (I told you I take a lot of photos) and I wonder why my phone and computer is so slow. It is priority on my to-do list - to sit down over the weekend and sort, organise and cull my photos...freeing up some space on my SD card and hard drive (wish me luck - I think I'm going to need it). 

Scrolling through my camera roll (from my phone and camera), here are 10 photos I would like to share with you all today...Enjoy!
Caption this...

Yesterday I hosted a 'Bloggers Catch Up' with these lovely ladies - Jane from The Mother Hood, Nicci from At A Pinch, and new blogger Nichole from Emmy & Me. So lucky to have these ladies in my 'blogging life'! They are all an inspiration. Share the blog love and say hello.

 Tonight we had, what I like to call "a 90's signature dish" - Good ol' browned mince, mashed potato and mixed veges. This used to be a favourite go-to dinner when we were younger, and you know what...at 30-something...it still is. 

 Playing on the trampoline with my son - I thought it would be fun to get a photo...unfortunately, this is not what I had in mind. ha!
This is the life...chilling on the lawn, on a warm Spring day, surrounded by daisies and watching my son ride his bike. Bliss. 

Miss B is such a great big sister - I love watching these two play together, they really are best friends. 

No filter! Miss B enjoying water play on a stunning Spring day. 

Miss B and I love our Mother & Daughter Dates.

I love Spring!

He's my little lefty (just like his Mama). Master M was like this for about 20 minutes "writing" on every page in my notebook! This boy loves to write and draw - so cool!

And here's one more...just because I absolutely LOVE this photo! #SiblingLove 

Come and join me on Facebook and share the last photo you took on your phone. 

Linking up with #TuesdayTen
Lisa & Rabia


How I Feel About My Body (#TuesdayTen/#1Word)

I don't really like to talk about my body, let alone find the words to describe how I actually feel about it and put it in a blog post. Then I had a lightbulb moment...I recently watched the latest Disney movie Inside Out - a movie about five emotions that come to life in a young girl's conscious mind, and thought this would be a great way to share how I feel about my body, using these five emotions - Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear and Joy. 
Image credit: via
I get upset when I look in the mirror, see my reflection in shop windows or when someone else takes a photo of me because all I see my are my flaws. I am my own worst enemy, seeing the negative rather than the positive. Days like this make me want to cry in the shower, or curl up on the couch , wearing my baggy trackies and a hoody, eating chocolate and drinking coke. I shut off from the world around me and feel sorry for myself. 

I admit, I have days when I hate my body, especially certain parts, but some times I bring it on myself and often blame myself for getting into this predicament. I chose to eat that Big Mac and large Coke for lunch the other day, or refused to go for a walk because I don't want to be seen in public. That's on me! No one else. Me.

I hate when I compare my body to others, and constantly ask myself, "Why don't I look like that?", Man, I wish I had... a small waist, no double chin, and a 'thigh gap'! Comparing yourself to others is one of the worst things you can do, however in today's society it's kind of hard not to, because it's always in our face! Lisa from The Golden Spoons shares 10 ways society is destroying my daughter's body image and I know many of us can relate to most, if not all, of these points. 
    There are times when I have been disgusted in what I see, thinking this is not the body I had envisioned for myself after having my second baby. With my first, I gained 9kg and bounced back to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty quickly, actually I lost too much weight and looked quite sickly. With my second pregnancy, I gained quite a bit of extra weight (in my defence, I did give birth to an almost 11 pounder) and that weight has lingered a lot longer than what I hoped. 
      By now, you know I have many insecurities, especially when it comes to my body. I am always thinking about how I see myself, the way my family and friends see me and also the way other people see me. I know you are not meant to care about what other people think, but sometimes most times, I do. I have had people make comments like "Oh, you've put on a bit of weight" or "How long to go (assuming I am pregnant again)?". My first thought was WOW! I want to slap you in the face, but then the other part of me, is like - thank you, thank you for saying what everyone else is thinking. At first, I would laugh it off, to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation, but then later on, I will over-analyse it and next thing I know, I am back to Sadness. 

      One fear I have is that my insecurities of my own body will affect my daughter, so I am cautious about what I say around her or in front of her. I keep most of my issues to myself, because they are my issues, not hers. I will, however, focus on the things I love about my body. I need to be a role model for my daughter and I want her to love her body, so I need to change my thinking and my lifestyle so that I love my body too. 
        One thing I have learned to love and accept are my stretch marks, also known as my tiger stripes. I earned them and I embrace them. They are a reminder of my pregnancies - the good, the bad and the ugly - and I gave birth to my two beautiful children, who are my world - my stretch marks are with me forever and I am okay with that. 

        On the topic of children, another thing I love about my body is that I have been able to breastfeed both my children. I breastfed my daughter for 25 months and currently breastfeeding my 16 month old and he is showing no signs of slowing down either. I absolutely love breastfeeding and promoting it too.  In fact, I am currently organising our city's Big Latch On event on the 31st July and I can't wait. 

        One final note, I came across this amazing body image comic by illustrator Colleen Clark. She reminds us that our bodies don't define us. I love this and it is so true. Yes, I have body issues, insecurities, low days but my body does not define who I am. I have a body...it's not the only thing I have. I will still get #inthepicture with my kids. 

        How do you feel about your body? 
         photo name-ttmn-august_zpshrr4gsul.png

        Linking up with:
        Tuesday Ten with Lisa & Rabia
        One Word (#1Word) hosted by The Golden SpoonsConfessions of a Mommyholicand Blogitudes

        #TuesdayTen: Currently (A Fly On The Wall)

        This week for #TuesdayTen, the prompt is 10 places you would like to be a Fly on the Wall. I am super tired and could only think of few, e.g. my daughter's classroom - to see what she does all day; In my son's head - I would love to know what a 15 month thinks and how he sees the world, and maybe someone famous, like P!nk or even the Kardashian's house (oh wait, E! IS the fly on their wall).

        So there's this thing that some bloggers do - it's kind of like "Taking Stock" - using prompts to let others know what they are "Currently" up to (weekly, as opposed to monthly)...giving you permission to be a fly on the wall in their homes (so to speak)....so this here #TuesdayTen blogpost is inspired by Lisa from The Golden Spoons. (I hope you don't mind, Lisa)
        • Reading - the Lim & Builder's Report of a property we are hoping to buy.
        • Planning - on going out on Saturday to celebrate a friend's Milestone Birthday!! I am looking forward to letting my hair down for a couple of hours! 
        • Stressing - about where we are going to live, packing, saying goodbye. Lack of sleep. So much to do, so little time!
        • Wishing - Master M would go to sleep, so I can have a nap too! He was up for over 3 hours last night from 9:30pm...he just wouldn't resettle...and then when he did, he would wake up again and stay awake for another half an hour. I got bugger all sleep...I am a MOMBIE today!
        • Feeling - tired, stressed, anxious, exhausted! 
        • Listening - to the rubbish truck take our rubbish away...it's late today, however, at least the rubbish is gone! There will be more next week - as we get closer to MOVING DAY!
        • Thinking - I should really clean the house before I have nap..meh the mess can wait! I NEED sleep!  
        • Loving - catching up with the Mums and Bubs from my Coffee Group. We all met at Ante-Natal class and have been having monthly catch ups since Master M was 3 weeks old. He is now 15 months old! Such a great bunch of friends, friends for life!
        • Wearing - warm clothes! It's a bit nippy today! (It's Winter here in New Zealand) 
        • Hoping - I get to buy my FIRST HOME soon!! (Keep your fingers crossed for us) Eek!
        Tell me, where would you like to be a fly on the wall? or care to share what is CURRENTLY happening in your world at the moment? 

        The Golden Spoons


        #TuesdayTen: 10+ Bucket List Display Ideas

        We are heading into Winter here in New Zealand, however my blogging friends and followers on the other side of the globe, are counting down to their Summer holidays (LUCKY!), so this week for Tuesday Ten, the prompt is Summer Bucket Lists. Today, I am going to (hopefully) inspire my overseas friends with some fun and creative "Bucket List Display Ideas". (and I am totally sharing this, so I can do the same in 6 months time, when it's our Summer). The thing I love about displays is: you put it in a place where your whole family can see it and refer to it daily, as opposed to writing a list in your notebook...closing that notebook and probably not looking at the list until 3 days before the kids go back to school (*guilty*).
        Here are 10+ ways you can display your Summer Bucket Lists in your home! Click on the images for more details. 

        1. Write your ideas on wooden pegs and peg them on the rim. Once you have completed the task, pop the peg in the bucket. Extra activity - get your children to decorate the bucket. 

        2. Hang some mini buckets and fill them with items relevant to the task/idea.

        3. Who said you need a 'bucket'? Grab a small jar and write your ideas on popsicle sticks. Pull out an activity every day. 

        4. Make your own buckets using card or scrapbook paper.

        5. These mini envelopes are cute and would look very cool displayed in your home. 

        6. Grab some colouring pens and draw/write your own Bucket List OR get your children (if they are older) to design one for the family. 
        Image Credit: via

        7. A frame, chicken wire, pegs, pieces of card & a bucket. Simple, yet effective. 
        Image Credit: via

        8.  Hanging your bucket list on the lounge/kitchen door where everyone can see it is a great idea. Once completed, put the task in the envelope. 

         9. FRAME IT! Write your list, with a tick box next to each idea. Tape it on the wall and put a frame around it. 

        10. Similar to #3 idea. Use different coloured popsicle sticks to categorise your activities...click image to see lots of great ideas. 

        Ooh and as a bonus... my very own! I created this School Holiday Ideas Jar - perfect for keeping young ones entertained. 

        How are you going to display your 'Summer' bucket list in your home? 

        Follow Me


        #TuesdayTen: My Pet Peeves

        Everyone has their own pet peeves...You know, the things that make your blood pressure rise or make you want to you scream! This week for #TuesdayTen, we are having a bit of a vent...it's time to share your pet peeves! Here are mine...

        People who don't indicate
        Seriously, how hard is it to indicate? If you are turning or merging - indicate. Simple.

        Selling a House
        Selling a house is up there with the 'most stressful' events that will happen in your life - and they're not wrong! Getting your house 'Open Home' ready can be quite stressful, especially when you put in a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears into presenting your house the best way you can and pray you get a buyer with a good price.

        Buying a House
        We are currently house hunting and the market has turned on us! When we were selling our place , there was a lot of homes that we liked and that would be perfect for us, unfortunately we wanted to wait until we sold. And now...it has turned into a Seller's Market (more buyers than properties). It is so frustrating for us and we are running out of time! I am trying to remain calm and positive.

        When someone parks so close to your car that you can't even get in.
        Grrr, this annoys me so much. Especially when they park really close to the side my son sits on...I mean..really... you didn't see the reversed carseat in my car! Egg!

        image credit: Pinterest

        <------THIS (Enough said)

        When your child refuses to have their medicine
        My daughter HATES antibiotics and there have been (many) times when she has refused to take it. It is so frustrating to watch. All you want is your child to be healthy and feel better, and they won't even help themselves! In the past, I have used praise, reward charts, even bribery. As a parent, you do whatever it takes for them to take their medicine, so they can be better! Right?

        Cleaning the house 
        And then your toddler wakes up and 5 minutes later it looks like a tornado has gone through the place! What's the point? Oh the joys!

        Now, it's your turn...please share THREE of your pet peeves
        Linking up with...
        The Golden Spoons

        #TuesdayTen: What Else Happens On Your Birthday?

        Did you know it's Nutty Fudge Day today? According to the Days of the Year website - it's actually a thing that is celebrated! Crazy right? There are many more days like this out there around the world. They may sound ridiculous and a tad weird but people take them very seriously and happily celebrate these days.  Each to their own - I'm not going to judge. It does make me giggle though, because there are some hilarious holidays/events that are actually celebrated! Check out what holidays other bloggers won't celebrate - just click the #TuesdayTen button found at the bottom of this post.

        #TuesdayTen: Our Family Photos

        A couple of weeks ago we met with Stacey Milich Photography at a local park and she took photos of our family to celebrate Master M's First Year. Stacey also took our Maternity and Newborn photos. I absolutely love our photos and I am so happy to share them with you today. I can't wait to display them in our new home! 

        It was really hard to narrow it down to 10 photos for #TuesdayTen, so I am sharing 14 instead (my favourite number). 



        This post is part of the #TuesdayTen Link Up with
         Lisa from The Golden Spoons & Rabia from The Lieber Family

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