Taking Stock - October 2016

Welcome to another 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed any, you can read all of my Taking Stock posts HERE. Pip from Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this, so be sure to check out her blog and share the blog love. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue to do, this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life. I am dedicating the last Tuesday of every month to a Taking Stock post and linking up with the #IBOT team. 

Here's what's been happening in the month of OCTOBER...
I have been super quiet on the blog this past month, taking an impromptu mini break from posting, however I am hoping to get back into this week, so watch this space!

Taking Stock - July 2016

Welcome to another 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed any, you can read all of my Taking Stock posts HERE. Pip from Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this, so be sure to check out her blog and share the blog love. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue to do, this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life. I am dedicating the last Sunday of every month to a Taking Stock post. 

Here's what's been happening in the month of JULY...

Making: sure I get #inthepicture with my kids.

Cooking: Butter Chicken with Garlic butter wraps - delicious

Drinking: lots of water! Today is the last day of Dry July - I am pleased to say I have NOT had any Coke in the month of July, and my partner has not had any beer/alcohol! So proud of us.

Reading: all about the 'Sentimental' category of KonMari method. The final category - eek!

Wanting: a better system for storing my Teacher Resources - click the image to see my after photos.

Looking: at this gorgeous park in Hamilton. Definitely take my kids back here in the Summer.

Playing: with the kids during the school holidays

Deciding: what cards and letters to keep...See my post here

Wishing: they added more apple flavouring to the Cadbury Dairy Milk - Apple Crumble chocolate. I do like the Lamington one...although it is very coconut-y

Enjoying: my special 'Card Shop in a Box' - can't wait to send some Happy Mail to my nearest and dearest.

Feeling: a little stressed...I have had quite a lot on...organising the Big Latch On, sorting out plumbing issues, buying a new car, having no Coke (ha!), going back to work, KonMari'ing my Sentimental items, plus trying to keep up with my blog and social media accounts. Fingers crossed next month (August) is less stressful for me.

Helping: organise this years Big Latch On - this will be my third year organising the event, and participating too...I will be starting to wean Master M after the event (insert sad face).

Waiting: for AUGUST! Lots of celebrations to be had...including my partner's birthday, and celebrating one year in our home.

Liking: our Science area at Playcentre - I spent three days rearranging and organising all our play areas! It looks and feels amazing. 

Loving: our new car - it's so spacious. We bought a Honda Odyssey Absolute.

Buying: a new purse - now I have enough room for my iPhone 6s - yaye!

Wearing: my puffer jacket most days...it's been super windy lately.

Admiring: all those who took part in Dry July - Congratulations on your achievement! It's a great cause.

Sorting: my keepsakes...I have started to KonMari my Sentimental items! Here's the first part - Cards & Letters. 

Celebrating: ONE YEAR IN OUR HOUSE! 1st August 2015 was the date we stayed in our new family home for the first time. What a year it has been! I love it, and really happy we got this place when we did. It's perfect (for us).

Giggling: at Miss B's reaction when she jumped in our new car. I think she likes loves it!

Watching: 1 hour Shortland Street on Mondays! Bliss. I love my hospital dramas! Tuesday I watch Grey's Anatomy and Wednesday it's Chicago Med.

Hoping: to get at least 100 breastfeeding mothers together at this years' Big Latch On event. I am co-ordinating it again this year.  Last year we had 72 mums and bubs, including twins.

Needing: our drains fixed. A couple of weeks ago, we had major problems with our drains and plumbing, especially the toilet. We thought we fixed the problem, but it happened again last week. We had to move quickly, so I got on the phone and found an awesome drainage company who fixed it and replaced the pipe on the same day. I will be recommending this business to all of my friends and family.

Getting: to know me better with 20 Random Facts About Charlene - which reminds me, I really need to update my About page...watch this space. 

Bookmarking: easy dinner ideas...if you have any to add, please let me know in the comments below.

Hearing: the rubbish truck come down the street and my little boy squealing with excitement!

Forgetting: times of appointments...I have recently started to use my iPhone iCalendar a lot more this month.

Winning: at life - well thinking positive about it anyway.

Giggling: at Master M dressed up as a Fireman - he looked so cute!

Pretending: to enjoy Master M's 'play dough' food creations

I am...
Embracing: life, love & positivity!

Now it's YOUR turn...

Tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was JULY for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.

Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts

Until next time, I hope the next month treats you well!

Linking up at these parties.

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Sunday Share: Currently - Week 15

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Sunday Share: Currently - Week 11

Hi all, I am BACK! Woohoo! Slowly getting back into my blogging routine - I have so much to share with you all. I wish I could share it all at once...but there isn't enough time in the day and I have other commitments I need to think about, so watch this space or simply Subscribe to my blog (Each post or Weekly Newsletter) - sign up forms are below, and don't miss a post.


Sunday Share: Currently: #inthepicture (Week 7)

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Enjoying: a date night with my partner! Thanks to my parents who looked after the kids for a few hours and to our awesome Real Estate Agents for giving us the Gift Voucher! (Free Dinner - even better)

Cleaning: the fridge - it looked like a crime scene!

Loving: my new job and school! Teachers and students enthusiastic about learning Te Reo Māori - warms my heart.

Turning: a spare desk tray I had into an awesome jewellery organiser! #KMARTHACK

Finding: our very first butterfly in our Butterfly garden! Welcome to the world! They are so pretty!

Celebrating: TWO birthdays today! A 5th & 1st Birthday Celebration - Pirate & Princess theme! We had a great time! How amazing is this cake my friend made. She's a clever cookie!

Sharing the love:  HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you all!


I was inspired by Bron from Maxabella Loves when she shared THIS post back in February 2015 - encouraging mothers all around the world to get 'in the picture' with their kids - stepping out from behind the camera and getting in front of it. This is exactly what I have done - I have been sharing my photos for a whole year now on or around the 10th of each month. It really is a great reminder to us all. You can see all of my previous #inthepicture posts HERE.

This is ME #inthepicture - with my kids...February 2015 - February 2016. Will you join in this year? 


MARCH 2015

APRIL 2015

MAY 2015

JUNE 2015

JULY 2015







How was your week?
 What have you been cleaning? celebrating? enjoying? finding? 
Have you been getting #inthepicture with your kids! 

Have a wonderful week, my friends.

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#inthepicture - December

Hello, we meet again...I can't believe we are in the last month of 2015, counting down the days 'til Christmas and then we will be welcoming the new year. WOW! Time flies when you are having fun, and I really hope you have been having fun this year - especially getting #inthepicture with your kiddies. If you are new to my blog, I was inspired by Bron from Maxabella Loves when she shared THIS post - encouraging mothers all around the world to basically get 'in the picture' with your kids - stepping out from behind the camera and getting in front of it. I have been sharing my photos since February 2015, and hope to continue this in 2016. It really is a great reminder to us all. You can see all of my previous #inthepicture posts HERE. 

Also on the 10th of every month, I dedicate this date to do a full back up of everything on my computer, including ALL of my photos (and as you can imagine, I have A LOT). It's reassuring to know this is done on a regular basis and if anything ever happens to my laptop - I know I have my back up in a safe place. Do you regularly back up your computer/photos? Maybe start today and mark it on your calendar. 

Did you get #inthepicture this month with your kids? Here's a few snapshots of me getting in the picture with mine...
Visiting our neighbour's awesome Christmas Light display

Mummy & Daughter

Our last Mainly Music for 2015

Selfie at Miss B's End of Year Celebration

 Getting 'crafty' with my son

From my family to yours...

***Thank You Bron for inspiring me***
See you next month! 



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#inthepicture - November

If you have been following me for a while, then you will know I love getting #inthepicture with my kids. It is something I have been doing, more of, since February 2015, when Bron from Maxabella Loves shared THIS post. So basically, every month I share photos of me actually stepping out from behind the camera and getting in front of it, hence getting IN the picture. You can see all of my previous #inthepicture posts HERE. 

Also on the 10th of every month, I dedicate this date to doing a full back up of everything on my computer, including ALL of my photos (and as you can imagine, I have A LOT). It's reassuring to know this is done on a regular basis and if anything ever happens to my laptop - I know I have my back up in a safe place. Do you regularly back up your computer/photos? Maybe start today and mark it on your calendar. 

Did you get #inthepicture this month with your kids? 
Here are my pics...starting with a recent 'selfie' of yours truly! HI!

Happy 'Snapping'

and one more before I go...
Mother & Son having fun at PLAY! 
"Teacher by trade, Mother by nature"

***Thank You Bron for inspiring me***
See you next month! 

Linking up with
#IBOT - Jess
The Ultimate Rabbit Hole - The Annoyed ThyroidCalm to Conniption & My2Morrows
Weekly Rewind SoniaTash, Zoe & Bron



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Sunday Share #40 - Currently

Just a quick one this week...here's what I'm currently doing in my life...

Wishing: my Dad a Happy Birthday! We went up north yesterday to visit him and my Mum. My Dad loves banana cake, so we picked one up on the way (too time poor to make one, sorry Dad). He loved it though, and it went down well with a hot cup of tea. 

Getting: #inthepicture with my kids. This is something I have been doing since February, when Bron from Maxabella Loves shared this post. You can see all of my previous #inthepicture posts here
Also, on the 10th of every month, I do a back up of everything on my computer, including ALL of my photos (and I have thousands!). It's reassuring to know that this is done on a regular basis. 

Do you regularly back up your computer/photos? Did you get #inthepicture this month with your kids?

Buying: a few goodies for my Home Office. I am absolutely LOVING the new STYLO pastel stationery range from The Warehouse. The mint desk organiser is from ‪#‎KMart‬‪#‎stationeryaddict‬
Are you a stationery addict?

Let's connect on Social Media
 Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Pinterest 

Linking up with Becky from Choose Happy - Currently Series
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