My KonMari Journey: Questions and Answers

Before I move on to my next KonMari series - 'KonMari With Kids', I wanted to do a quick 
Q&A post, answering questions my readers from Facebook & Instagram had relating to the KonMari Method or my personal KonMari Journey.

You asked...I answered. 

1. My question is more about time. I see you go to Playcentre, work, up keep this wonderful blog and look after your family! How do you manage all of that? Thanks from a fellow Playcentre and blogging mummy of three. 
When I started 'My KonMari Journey' in January 2016, my son was having day naps (up to 2 1/2 hours long), so I dedicated that time to KonMari - sorting, purging, taking photos, blogging etc. Other times I did what I could when my son was happy playing in the playroom, or when he was having his lunch. As the year went on, I put my son in home-based care for an extra day, so I could have time to get things done, like housework, KonMari, planning, blogging and Playcentre work. I also used that day to get a bit of extra relieving work too. I did what I could, when I could. I would spend a couple hours each night writing the KonMari posts for my blog, which was actually more time consuming than the purge itself, however looking back, I'm really glad I shared my journey. Right from the beginning, I was fully committed to completing this KonMari method and my determination and dedication to the method got me through. 

2. How can I get all my kids to sleep thru every night so I can get the energy to do this??? I do find your posts motivating tho. 
I can't help you with the kids sleeping sorry. All I can do is continue to motivate you in the hope you have the energy to make a start. I'm happy to work with you as a support person, if you think it would help. Send me an email teacherbytrademotherbynature (at) gmail (dot) com or PM me via Facebook. 

3. When it comes to the bits and pieces (I can't remember what she called it! {KOMONO}), how did you know where to start!? 
Komono (Miscellaneous) was a huge category! It had so many sub-categories attached to it. I simply followed the structure Marie Kondo mentions in the book. A lot of my 'Komono' was scattered in containers out in the external office, so before I even started this category, I actually spent a couple of hours sorting through the chaos first, corralling like things together according to her list, and worked my way through each one.
  1. CDs, DVDs 
  2. Skincare products 
  3. Make-Up 
  4. Accessories 
  5. Valuables (passports, credit cards, etc)
  6. Electrical equipment and appliances (digital cameras, electric cords, anything that seems vaguely 'electric')
  7. Household Equipment: Stationery & Crafts
  8. Household supplies (expendables like medicine, detergents, tissues, etc) 
  9. Kitchen goods/food supplies - EATING - COOKING TOOLS - FOOD - FOOD STORAGE
  10. Other - 
Komono - Miscellaneous Items 2

I added Teacher Resources as an extra category.

4. I'd love for you to diarise a "one year on" from each area you cleared and report back with an update, what worked, what you've subsequently got rid of or wished you'd kept or acquired... 
Great idea! It's actually a year this week since I started My KonMari Journey .I am hoping to do a ONE YEAR LATER post soon. Watch this space.

5. I'm thinking about purchasing this book, do you find it useful? 2017 I'm aiming for a more meaningful, clutter-free life. Watched the 'Minimalism' doco, loved it!!
I love the book, and refer to it often. I do recommend reading the book first, so you can fully get the gist of Marie Kondo's method, however I have heard people have done the method based on blogs and YouTube video tutorials - there is a lot of inspiration out there (You can read all of my KonMari posts HERE (including checklists for each category).  The Minimalist documentary definitely gives you something to think about. 

6. How can I start Konmari, what are the basic principles.... Basically everything!
Like I said above, I do recommend reading the book first, however if this isn't an option for you - you can always read my KonMari series (HERE), and there are plenty of blogs and YouTube videos & tutorials available to provide inspiration. Janine from A Young Mum is one of my favourites.

In a nutshell, Marie Kondo has four rules she recommends people follow when doing the KonMari Method:

1. Tidy in one shot, as quickly and completely as possible
2. Sort by category, not by location
3. Selection Criterion: Does it 'spark joy?'
4. Order of tidying: Clothes, Books, Documents (Paper), Miscellaneous items (Komono), and Mementos (Sentimental)

Good luck! Let me know if you need any support - I would be more than happy to help you through your KonMari journey.

7. How did you sort old photos? This is the one thing I have boxes of, unsure what to do. Thanks for your help. 
Photos can definitely be overwhelming. Read all about how I sorted mine, and hopefully it will inspire you to start yours >>> My KonMari Journey: Sentimental - Photos

8. What to do with partner's stuff? Especially when he doesn't get the whole spark joy concept.
My partner doesn't get the whole 'Spark Joy' concept like I do and that is totally okay. That being said, I have encouraged him to go through a few of his things - clothes, paper etc.  Most of his stuff is in his garage, which is a no-go zone for me, and I respect that. I don't have to see it, so it's all good with me. I do KonMari fold his clothes, which he likes, so I'm happy with that and I get him to sort through his paper work regularly so I can file it away properly. He won't be reading the book any time soon, so all I can do is continue to encourage and motivate him to discard things he no longer needs, wants or likes, especially if it's taking up space in our home.

9. I have a question! And afraid it sounds silly, but do you miss anything you have thrown out? I keep thinking, what if it sparks joy next year... Do you keep things you are unsure on? Also, this question is mostly related to my wardrobe! 
There are a few things that I do miss, however at the time it didn't spark joy so it was discarded. I have to move on and not dwell on the things I have purged. I admit, I did 'thank' quite a few things of mine and this actually helped with letting go - Marie Kondo suggests you 'thank' your possessions before discarding. It may sound a bit crazy, but it does help. If an item spark joy - keep it. If it doesn't - let it go. Be honest with yourself. Good luck! 

10. Aside from wondering the same as above, I got the book last year when you started your journey but I am so overwhelmed by the thought of sorting my stuff out that I have put the book in a drawer. How did you get started? Is it a bite the bullet kinda deal?
What you are feeling is totally normal. I felt overwhelmed every time I walked in to my external office, which was home to numerous containers full of stuff. I was nervous and excited about getting started. Sharing my journey here on my blog made me accountable and I couldn't wait to start my journey. You can read about how I got started HERE

When you are ready, you will start. It took me a while to get started, however once I did - I didn't want to stop. This method is truly life-changing. Good luck! I will be your Number 1 Cheerleader.

11. I read both books and completed the Kon Mari method up to photos. Mine are out of control. They are in boxes, tubs, on my phone, on CD/DVD's, on the computer, in frames and in albums. Some have dates on the back, some don't. Some are somewhat divided into photo boxes, some are not. I'm not sure how to start or where to start. I was going to make each daughter (I have 3) scrapbooks or photo albums but that isn't anything they are interested in. If I give them photos they said they would like to decide which photos to hang and would choose their own type of photo album. They would like the photos sorted and given to them all at one time if possible. I was thinking because of the time and money involved to develop and copy that I would give photos to them at Christmas. It will take me every bit of 2017 to complete this project but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?

My advice is to split it into two sub-categories: Printed Photos & Digital Photos. Start with collecting all of your printed photos and putting them in one place. Decide how you want to sort them - by person, by year, by event etc and start sorting through your photos. Sort your photos in the way you want to - what works for YOU first, then you can reassess how you are going to sort them for your daughters. Good luck! 

Remember Kondo's rules: 
1. Tidy in one shot, as quickly and completely as possible

2. Selection Criterion: Does it 'spark joy?'

Once you have finished the printed photos, do the same for the digital photos. Remember to only keep the photos that SPARK JOY. 

If you haven't already done so, read how I KonMari'd my Printed Photos and Digital Photos, hopefully it will inspire you to sort through yours. It is a massive job, emotionally, physically and mentally - however once it's done - you will feel amazing! 


Thank you all for your questions regarding the KonMari method, and My KonMari Journey. I do hope you found this helpful. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to contact me HERE.

Until next time, have a wonderful week, 



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Friday Favourites: Sharing the Blog Love #2

Happy Friday!
Welcome to our second 'Friday Favourites' - a weekly link up party. Linky parties are a great opportunity for bloggers to get together and have a 'party', sharing their favourite, best or most recent posts from their blogs. Whether you are a blogger or a reader, it's the perfect place where you can make new friends, read some new blogs, and share the blog love. I am excited to be collaborating with some of my favourite bloggers - Lisa (Lisasaurus), Jodine (Misses Mac), and Maria (Happy Mum, Happy Child) - each blogger bringing something new and fun to the party!

We had a great turn out last week, with 32 links shared. Thank you to every one who linked up and to those who stopped by and read our posts! THANK YOU - You are all amazing.

It's Friday so "Let's get the party started!"


'MY FAVOURITE SPACE' - Featured Post on The Builder's Wife

Hi there friends! Hope you are having a great week.

Just a quick note:
I wanted to let you know, I am a guest over at The Builder's Wife with Nicole today, sharing 'My Favourite Space' - my daughter's bedroom - Can you guess the theme?

Head over to The Builder's Wife - and share the blog love. Leave a Comment, Pin, Tweet, Share, whatever you like - I would really love to hear what you think of 'My Favourite Space'. While you are there, be sure to check out more of Nicole's blog. She has a gorgeous home, family and some great tips for 'Home Improvement'.

If you are visiting from Nicole's blog - Welcome! Thank you for visiting Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. Read more about me HERE. If you like what you see and read, Subscribe to my Blog.


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2016: One Word

Happy New Year!
How is the first day of 2016 treating you? The weather is miserable here, so I have been busy working behind the scenes of my blog, giving it a new look - what do you think? Do you like it? I bought the theme from Envye before Christmas for only $10 and redesigned the blog myself - I love it and I hope you do too. It's a nice way to kick off the year and to me, it sets the tone for the year ahead and I am super excited about 2016.

I am joining Bron from Maxabella Loves and several other bloggers, in this years One Word link up. Be sure to check out the link up yourself  because there are some great words and really inspiring posts by some pretty amazing bloggers.

2015 was a full on year for us - you can read more about it here & here.
This year I have decided my word for 2016 is




I did it! I survived the Blogging from A to Z Challenge - and I wear my badge (on my blog) with pride! I honestly didn't think I would make it through to the end and there were times that I considered pulling the plug, however the teacher/mother in me said "Don't Give Up" "You CAN DO THIS!" and I did. I'm not going to lie, it took a lot of hard work, determination and time to get these posts written, edited and published - plus sharing them on social media, on top of my regular blogging schedule. Phew. I often stayed up until midnight (sometimes later) finishing posts or getting a head start on some of the more detailed posts. On top of all of this, I had to find time to comment on other blogs, something I wish I could have done more of, but towards the end of the month - I just wanted to make sure I got my posts published on time. Next time, I will choose 5 blogs to follow and stick with them through to the end, creating a mini blogging community - with saying that, I would probably choose blogs which have a similar niche to mine. 

On a positive note, I thoroughly enjoyed sharing extra tidbits of my life, home and family with you all! My posts got a lot more exposure from around the world and I welcome each and every one of you to Teacher by trade - Mother by nature. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment! It put a smile on my face :).

Massive Congratulations to those who completed (and survived) the challenge! I do hope you have a had a little break from your blogs! I will be having one soon! To all the Co-Hosts of Blogging from A to Z Challenge - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! You're commitment and dedication to this challenge is outstanding! I was honoured to have several of you comment on my blog, THANK YOU very much. 

Here are my TOP 5 Most Popular posts and the full list of my #AtoZChallenge 

Top 5 Most Popular Posts of the #AtoZChallenge
#AtoZChallenge: THE LIST


Z is for Zodiac

What is your Zodiac sign? 
I'm a Sagittarius
Inquisitive and energetic, the Sagittarian is the traveler of the zodiac.

- Extroverted, optimistic and enthusiastic.
- Change is essential for this sign to feel their best.
- They're a ton of fun, and downright wacky at times.
- Love to laugh and get everyone around them going. 
- Make friends from around the globe, enjoying various takes on life and culture. 
- Generous and not ones to hold a grudge. 
- Dedicated and willing to do just about anything for their family, very loyal. 
- Freedom and independence are extremely important to a Sagittarian. 
- They'll work night and day to reach a goal.
- When they see something as possible in their minds, they will go to great lengths and rally people to make it happen. 
- Enjoy making and spending money
- Risk takers, highly optimistic, trusting in the Universe to provide what is needed. 

HEALTH: Anatomical areas: hips, thighs and upper legs 
COLOUR: Rich Purple
PERFECT GIFT: Pet-related items or something for the outdoors
LIKES: Travel, being outdoors, freedom, philosophy
DISLIKES: Details, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, clingy people
FAMOUS SAGITTARIANS: Steven Spielberg, Mark Twain, Tina Turner, Jimi Hendrix, Tyra Banks, Brad Pitt, Christina Aguilera, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Lucy Liu, Woody Allen, and Winston Churchill. 

What does your Zodiac say about YOU? 

SOURCE: The Zodiac City

And here's a FUN one for all the Mamas!

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Y is for Year: My Goals for 2015 ***UPDATED***

At the beginning of the year I shared My Goals for 2015, and seen as am notorious for forgetting them, I have decided to do a bit of an update of where I'm at. (Inspired by Lisa at The Golden Spoons). 

My motto for 2015 is #MakeitHappen - Make it Memorable. We are heading into our 5th let's see how I'm getting on with my goals...

Personal Goals
1. Be more Organised! B
I have returned to work. Teaching a Year 2/3 class and I absolutely love it. I enjoy being back in the classroom. I have to be super organised on Tuesday mornings, because I have two kids to drop off (my son goes to home-based childcare and my daughter goes to her friends house, then school). There have been times that I have turned up to work 10 minutes before the bell, eek...(I have to travel 20 minutes to work)...however I am getting better - time management is improving each week.  I have decluttered and organised MOST of my containers, have 2 more to do! So I am on the right track. Going to start on my photos next month! (wish me luck) 

2. Find a new home! A+ (for selling our house) 
We sold our house quite quickly and now we are on the hunt for a new house - so this goal will be ticked off VERY SOON!

3. Learn more about Photography B
Continuing to learn new things about my camera and photography...I have definitely improved in the past 4 months and I know I am only going to get better. I love photography.

4. Walk up/Climb Mt Manaia F
I was actually thinking about this one the other day...I need to walk up Parahaki (3 times to catch up) :( I will get up day!

5. Organise TWO Milestone birthday parties A+
I did it!!! I actually pulled off TWO  no THREE parties in ONE weekend...Check them out...
A Little Golden Book themed First Birthday
Miss B's Paris themed 10th Birthday


Blogging Goals

I have been blogging officially since September 2014 (I created my Facebook page in May 2014). I have really enjoyed my blogging journey so far and am really excited about what 2015 has to offer! Here are my five blogging goals...

1. Reach milestones B
FACEBOOK: 674 (Milestones 500 & 600) 
TWITTER: 97 (only 3 more to reach milestone 100 followers) B
INSTAGRAM: 221 (Milestone 200 - CHECK) A 
PINTEREST: 87 (would LOVE more followers) C

2. Guest Post on other blogs C - Work in Progress
I will be guest blogging on a couple of blogs in the next month or so (Watch this space) 
GUEST POSTS/BLOGS --> I have had one lovely guest blogger on TTMN to date (Thanks Lydia) and I have a couple in the pipeline - coming soon. I still have spaces available if YOU would like to be a guest blogger on my blog. Send me a message via Facebook or Contact Form found on the left sidebar.
1. Q is for Q&A with Always Made With Love

3. Be a more Organised blogger! B

This is a work in progress kind of goal - I have had days when I have been super organised and other days, where I have stayed up really late finishing off blogposts...When you have an just have to run with it!!
I am really proud of myself for sticking to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge!! ONE MORE DAY and I have completed a whole month of blogging every day (plus on top of my other blogposts)! Go ME!

4. Meet some Blogging friends C (It will happen)
All my blogging friends get an A+ :) I have yet to meet them face to face but there is still plenty of time for that aye Ladies (Courtney, Lydia  & Claire)

5. Enjoy it! A
I LOVE my little blog. I am enjoying every minute of it! 

So there you have it - my goals for 2015! ***UPDATED*** - I think I am doing pretty good, don't you think? 
How are you getting on with your goals this year? 
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