20 Random Facts About Me - 2016

Lately, I have had an influx of new followers on Instagram and Facebook, plus new subscribers to my blog (THANK YOU ALL and Welcome!). It's been a while since I shared one of these, and I thought it's a great way for you to get to know me, Charlene - the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature...so here are 20 Random (and not so random) Facts About Me. Enjoy!

1. I got a perm for my 10th birthday, brushed it out and had to get another one a few days later (mum was not impressed)! 

2. I love the colour Teal, but my favourite colour is purple (not grape, Purple) 

3. I got $1000 from my parents when I turned 21 (because i had no babies)...6 months later..BOOM pregnant

4. My daughter is "my past, my present & my future"

5. My son is the "definition of perfection" (well to us he is) 

6. I met my partner on online :) Best thing I ever did! He was the first and only guy I met :) 4 years going strong 

7. I am a sentimental hoarder (i get it from my Grandad) 

8. My daughter was named after my Papa 

9. I am addicted to Coke! (but a lot of people already know that lol) - currently doing Dry July (no Coke for a month)

10. I actually HATE clutter but i'm really good at hiding it! 

11. I can eat a whole box of Chicken Crimpy crackers in one sitting (don't judge me LOL) 

12. I hate being confronted

13. I collected soft toys as a teenager - especially squeaky dogs

14. Is my favourite number (my shirt number in soccer for 12+ years) 

15. I had Osteomylitis when I was 8 - stayed in hospital for 6 weeks (couldn't walk) 

16. I bite my nails, especially when I'm anxious 

17. I breastfed B for 25 months and still b/feeding M at 29 months. 

18. I love reading Horoscopes

19. My dream holiday would be going to England, London 

20. My bedroom walls (as a teen) were covered with Hanson & Spice Girls posters! ‪#‎MmmBOP‬ ‪#‎SpiceupyourLife‬

Now it's your turn, can you relate to any of these? Tell me some random things about YOU in the comments below.

Have a wonderful week, 

#TuesdayTen: My Life in Photos

Wow, it's been a while since I wrote a Tuesday Ten post...How I feel about my body was the last post I shared back in July! Crazy! When I saw that the prompt for Tuesday Ten this week was to celebrate 'National Photographer Appreciation' month and share photos, I got a little excited because 1. I love photography and taking photos, and 2. I have missed linking up with Lisa, Rabia and the Tuesday Ten group, so here I am...HI!

When I say I take a lot of photos, I really mean it! Currently, there are over 30,000 photos on my laptop from 2013 to date, and there's over 3000 on my phone - I know (I told you I take a lot of photos) and I wonder why my phone and computer is so slow. It is priority on my to-do list - to sit down over the weekend and sort, organise and cull my photos...freeing up some space on my SD card and hard drive (wish me luck - I think I'm going to need it). 

Scrolling through my camera roll (from my phone and camera), here are 10 photos I would like to share with you all today...Enjoy!
Caption this...

Yesterday I hosted a 'Bloggers Catch Up' with these lovely ladies - Jane from The Mother Hood, Nicci from At A Pinch, and new blogger Nichole from Emmy & Me. So lucky to have these ladies in my 'blogging life'! They are all an inspiration. Share the blog love and say hello.

 Tonight we had, what I like to call "a 90's signature dish" - Good ol' browned mince, mashed potato and mixed veges. This used to be a favourite go-to dinner when we were younger, and you know what...at 30-something...it still is. 

 Playing on the trampoline with my son - I thought it would be fun to get a photo...unfortunately, this is not what I had in mind. ha!
This is the life...chilling on the lawn, on a warm Spring day, surrounded by daisies and watching my son ride his bike. Bliss. 

Miss B is such a great big sister - I love watching these two play together, they really are best friends. 

No filter! Miss B enjoying water play on a stunning Spring day. 

Miss B and I love our Mother & Daughter Dates.

I love Spring!

He's my little lefty (just like his Mama). Master M was like this for about 20 minutes "writing" on every page in my notebook! This boy loves to write and draw - so cool!

And here's one more...just because I absolutely LOVE this photo! #SiblingLove 

Come and join me on Facebook and share the last photo you took on your phone. 

Linking up with #TuesdayTen
Lisa & Rabia


ABC - Facts about ME! #OSBLOG

A while ago, a friend tagged me in a Facebook post - ABCs of ME. There was a word prompt for each letter of the alphabet and you had to share your answers. I saved the post as a reminder to myself to share my answers at a later date...well that later date is today. I am linking up with Elaine from Miss Elaine-ous Life, as part of her Old School Blogging series. 

Here we go...
A- Age: 32 
B- Biggest Fear: I have a few fears and one of them would be losing all my photos. I have A LOT of photos...A LOT. I love taking photos and have many I will cherish forever - of loved ones who are no longer with us, and of my children/family, however most of these cherished memories are stored on my laptop or on an external hard drive. I really need to start printing them into albums/photo books, just in case! 
C- Current Time: 12:47pm 
D- Drink you last had: cup of 'Bell' Tea
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: my Mum & my best friends - love my girls!
F- Favourite Song: Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend
G- Grossest Memory: when I was younger, we were building a new garage...my brothers and I were playing in the dirt piles (as you do), and they thought it would be funny to put worms down the back of my top. The feeling of slimy, wriggly worms down my top sends shivers down my spine (eww!). I'm actually grossed out writing this...since that day, I have HATED worms - it's actually another one of my biggest fears (thanks to my 'awesome' brothers)
H- Hometown: Kaikohe 
I- In love with: my partner. 

J- Jealous Of: my parents and Aunty, who are currently on the Queen Victoria cruise ship, travelling around the Mediterranean. Oh-so jealous!
K- Killed Someone? No. 
L- Longest Relationship: my current relationship.
M- Middle Name: Dawn - it's also my Mum's middle name and my Dad's biological mothers middle name (we only found out who she was the day my daughter was born), and my daughter has the Māori word for Dawn as her middle name. 
N- Number of Siblings: Four brothers - two older and two younger
O- One Wish: to put a stop to Domestic Violence - a very sad and hot topic in New Zealand, Australia and around the world. 
P- Person who you last called: Dental Clinic (I missed their call) - had to reschedule my appointment because my Dentist is going to be away! Now I have to wait another 2 weeks. 
Q- Question you’re always asked: "Where's the/my...?" 
R- Reason to smile: my family and our new home. I love them both!
S- Song you last sang: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Good ol' Disney channel
T- Time you woke up: 2:15am, then 5:50am, stayed in bed until 7:30am though.
U- Underwear Color: teal
V- Vacation Destination: England, London! It's my dream destination - hopefully one day I will get there.
W- Worst Habit: biting my nails, especially when I am anxious. 
X- X-rays you’ve had: Arm (hairline fracture), lots of ankles (due to playing soccer), leg (Osteomylitis), and chest (Pneumonia), oh and teeth. 
Y- Your favorite food: Steak. I love Summer fruits too...bring on Summer!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius - "Full of energy and confidence. Sagittarius is the ultimate free spirit: optimistic, open-minded and ambitious. You’re happiest in wide-open spaces with plenty of adventure and excitement. You juggle a million projects, hobbies and friends. The more, the merrier! Sagittarius is forever pursuing a super-sized goal. Even when you fail, nothing can keep you down. You’ll chalk it up as a life lesson and inspire everyone with tales of your experience. As the sign of wisdom and truth, Sagittarius loves to “tell it like it is,” especially when it makes people laugh". 

Here's a blank version for you to copy and paste...
A- Age: 
B- Biggest Fear:

C- Current Time:
D- Drink you last had: 
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: 

F- Favourite Song: 
G- Grossest Memory: 
H- Hometown: 
I- In love with:
J- Jealous Of: 
K- Killed Someone? 
L- Longest Relationship: 
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of Siblings: 
O- One Wish: 
P- Person who you last called: 
Q- Question you’re always asked:
R- Reason to smile: 

S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up: 
U- Underwear Color: 
V- Vacation Destination: 
W- Worst Habit: 
X- X-rays you’ve had: 

Y- Your favorite food: 
Z- Zodiac Sign: 

Linking up 
with Miss Elaineous-life & About 100%.
(Grab-a-button in the sidebar)


My 2nd Liebster Award ***Happy Dance***

I am so happy and totally doing my happy dance right now because Ruth from Mummy and The Mexican tweeted that she received a Liebster Award (Yaye!) and she then nominated ME! (Double Yaye!). I am very honoured to be nominated for a Liebster Award. This is actually my second time I have recieved a Liebster, you can read about my first nomination here. Thank you so much Ruth - You are a STAR! 

The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to reach out and learn more about the blogs they enjoy. It also acknowledges bloggers, especially newbie bloggers and gives them the recognition they deserve. Accepting the award means answering 11 questions asked of you and adding in 11 facts about yourself. Then nominating your own 3-11 bloggers and asking them 11 questions of your own. (Please note: the 'rules' of the Liebster Award varies across the blogosphere - the ultimate goal is to Share the Blog Love) 

Here are my questions from Mummy & The Mexican

1.  How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging since September 24th, 2014. However, Teacher by trade - Mother by nature started off as a Facebook page. You can read more about it here.

2.  Where are you right now?

At home. (Home is New Zealand) 

3.  What's your day job?

Mother, cleaner, bank manager, social media addict, teacher, blogger, photographer, chef, nurse, chauffeur, playmate, babysitter all rolled into one - formally known as a "Stay-at-home Mum" and I LOVE IT! (oh and I teach a class of 7-8 year olds on Tuesdays) 

4.  What did you study/ have you studied/ are you studying?

I have a Bachelor of Education (Primary) and a Diploma in Te Ara Reo Māori (Maori Language) 

5.  What do you normally have for breakfast?

A cup of tea and toast (sometimes I will have weet-bix) 

6.  What song/piece of music would you choose as your theme song if they made a film of your life?

Ooh this is a hard one! aarrghh the pressure...um...pass (sorry)

7.  What's your favourite object and why?

My Canon DSLR camera! Love it! It captures so many beautiful memories for me to cherish and share.

8.  What would you like to study or learn how to do if you had the chance?

I would love to study photography. So many people have told me I should too! It's definitely on my to-do list :) 

9.  What do you struggle with the most in your everyday life?

Time management! (ha!) Usually I am pretty good - but there are times that procrastination takes over and I just end up getting overwhelmed! 

10.  Who are your heroes?

My Mum & Dad!

11. Name a work of art, a poem or a book that makes you feel something.

Motherhood is Rewarding

- I'm left handed
- I can move my ears without touching them
- I love to be organised, but I am sentimental hoarder
- I met my partner online
- I take photos everyday 
- I don't like change
- My first job was doing the Paper Run (delivering newspapers) 
- I have a Black tip in Tae Kwon Do (haven't done it since I was 12) 
- My eye colour changes with the moon 
- I am a Sagittarius
- I still have my favourite stuffed toy from when I was baby!

Congratulations to these lovely ladies!
Girl on a MissiOn
Happy Mum, Happy Child
Raising Queens
Mummy Do It
Nesting in the Country
A Kiwi Mumma
You Had Us At Hello
Gen-Y Mum
The Golden Spoons
Confessions of a Mommyholic

1. What motivated you to start your blog and how long have you been blogging?
2. What does your family think about you blogging?
3. What is your favourite quote? 
4. What makes you laugh out loud? 
5.  What is your most prized possession? 
6. What is the best feedback you have ever received on a blog post?
7. Who inspires you? 
8. What is your favorite post that you’ve written? (Please provide link!)
9. What are three things you cannot live without?

10.What is your greatest joy in life?
11. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-year-old self?

This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by: 
and Marcia of Blogitudes. This week, the word prompt choices were Time and Happy


#TuesdayTen: My Pet Peeves

Everyone has their own pet peeves...You know, the things that make your blood pressure rise or make you want to you scream! This week for #TuesdayTen, we are having a bit of a vent...it's time to share your pet peeves! Here are mine...

People who don't indicate
Seriously, how hard is it to indicate? If you are turning or merging - indicate. Simple.

Selling a House
Selling a house is up there with the 'most stressful' events that will happen in your life - and they're not wrong! Getting your house 'Open Home' ready can be quite stressful, especially when you put in a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears into presenting your house the best way you can and pray you get a buyer with a good price.

Buying a House
We are currently house hunting and the market has turned on us! When we were selling our place , there was a lot of homes that we liked and that would be perfect for us, unfortunately we wanted to wait until we sold. And now...it has turned into a Seller's Market (more buyers than properties). It is so frustrating for us and we are running out of time! I am trying to remain calm and positive.

When someone parks so close to your car that you can't even get in.
Grrr, this annoys me so much. Especially when they park really close to the side my son sits on...I mean..really... you didn't see the reversed carseat in my car! Egg!

image credit: Pinterest

<------THIS (Enough said)

When your child refuses to have their medicine
My daughter HATES antibiotics and there have been (many) times when she has refused to take it. It is so frustrating to watch. All you want is your child to be healthy and feel better, and they won't even help themselves! In the past, I have used praise, reward charts, even bribery. As a parent, you do whatever it takes for them to take their medicine, so they can be better! Right?

Cleaning the house 
And then your toddler wakes up and 5 minutes later it looks like a tornado has gone through the place! What's the point? Oh the joys!

Now, it's your turn...please share THREE of your pet peeves
Linking up with...
The Golden Spoons

#TuesdayTen: What Else Happens On Your Birthday?

Did you know it's Nutty Fudge Day today? According to the Days of the Year website - it's actually a thing that is celebrated! Crazy right? There are many more days like this out there around the world. They may sound ridiculous and a tad weird but people take them very seriously and happily celebrate these days.  Each to their own - I'm not going to judge. It does make me giggle though, because there are some hilarious holidays/events that are actually celebrated! Check out what holidays other bloggers won't celebrate - just click the #TuesdayTen button found at the bottom of this post.

#TuesdayTen: 10 TV Shows I Want To Star In

If I didn't become a teacher, my back up career would have been Acting. Drama was one of my favourite subjects at school. I performed in school plays/productions from a young age (I think I was 7-8). In my last year at primary school, I was fortunate to play Joseph in the musical - Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. It was such an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it. At high school I also played one of the main characters - Koranauku - in Kerry Lynch's Dream Stalker (now know as Dream Seer). I loved acting and was top of my class, scoring highest achievement - something I am very proud of. 

So when this week's topic for #TuesdayTen came up: 10 Movies or TV shows I wish were my Life...I thought about the shows I love watching or have watched in my lifetime and have come up with "10 TV Shows I Want To Star In" instead - that is, if I were an actress/actor....

1. Shortland Street
Shortland Street is a medical drama. Everyone either works at the hospital "Shortland Street" or over at "The IV" (bar). There is a lot of drama! Family feuds, Relationships, Weddings, Babies, Deaths, and the odd explosion. It also focuses on relevant events happening in and around our country. I tune in every night Monday-Friday! There have been some story-lines that I can relate to or have friends and family that do. It would be a dream come true if I got to walk on the set, even just walking through the corridors of the hospital would be pretty cool, or maybe be an ED Doctor or nurse. 

2. Home and Away
Sun, Surf & Pizza - Need I say more! 
Home and Away is an Australian drama. It is played over here (in New Zealand) every night Monday-Friday and it is a show that I have been watching it for over 15 years! Filled with lots of drama, it keeps me coming back for more. It would be super cool to visit the beach where they film the show...in fact I might have to put it on my bucket list! 

3. Gilmore Girls
I LOVED Gilmore Girls! I used to watch it religiously...The relationship between Lorelai and Rory is one that I want to have with my daughter (without the copious amounts of coffee consumption). When I was younger, I definitely wanted to be like Rory - have an awesome relationship with my Mum and I am happy to say that I do...I just hope that my relationship with my daughter is just as close when she hits her teenage years! (Give me strength). It would be great to hang out with the Gilmore Girls in Stars Hollow even just for a day. Go to 'Luke's Diner" for coffee and pancakes.

4. The XFactor
I know you have to be some-what famous or in the biz to be a judge on XFactor - however, if given the chance, it would be a pretty amazing opportunity, don't you think?

5. The Block 
I love reality shows like The Block. They are very inspiring - it makes you want to knock a few walls down and/or go shopping for cushions, copper lamps and massive art work that costs an arm and leg. If my partner and I entered, I would definitely be the shopper - I'll be good at finding a bargain that's for sure. I'm not scared of a bit of hard labour either...we are hoping to find a house that we can do-up, so we will be having our own version of The Block, minus the cameras and thousands of dollars to spend! 

6. Grey's Anatomy
Action-packed drama every week - what's not to love! The Doctors at Seattle Grace love to live life to the fullest and I am with them every step of the way! How cool would it be to walk the corridors of Seattle Grace and rub shoulders with 'Meredith' and 'McDreamy'. I'm sure Meredith wouldn't mind ANOTHER half-sister! 

7. Ellen
Ellen ROCKS!! Being on her show, even just as an audience member would blow my mind! She busts a move, has the funniest things to say, interviews the coolest people (famous and non-famous) and gives away some pretty awesome prizes! It would be amazing to be in her presence. 

8. Dawson's Creek
I used to tune in with this awesome foursome after school every day! So much drama in one little township - it would have been cool to be a part of it! I laugh when I watch old episodes of Dawson's Creek...it brings back a lot of memories of my teenage years, although I didn't creep into boys bedroom windows!

 9. The Big Bang Theory
To be on a show with Sheldon would be FANTASTIC! He is THE funniest man! BAZINGA!

10. E! Entertainment Television
I would love to be an E! Presenter - especially on the Red Carpet - meeting all the Stars! I even dressed up as one at a "Night At The Oscars" theme night! It was a lot of fun interviewing people as they walked in the door and onto our 'Red Carpet' - move over Giuliana Rancic! (no scratch that, she is amaze-balls) - I can be her co-host!

If you got the chance to STAR in your favourite TV Show - What would it be? 

This post is part of the #TuesdayTen Link Up with
 Lisa from The Golden Spoons & Rabia from The Lieber Family


W is for Wacky Wigs

There are so many W words that I could blog about, however I wanted to share something about me and what I love. 

I have a bit of a confession: I LOVE WIGS!
A few years back, my Mum and I went to a theme party every month (yes I partied with my Mum and I am proud to say it!). We would make our own costumes, with a bit of help from the Op-shops. I decided to wear a wig to each party - and it kind of became a signature part of my costumes. I ended up collecting A LOT of wigs and wore them for theme parties, school dress up days, any chance I could really. The wigs (wackier the better) totally completed my outfit. I found myself being more confident and always had a big smile on face because I was so comfortable - it was like I was a different person, but still ME! 

Here is a collage of some (yes, some) of the wigs that I have worn over the years...
Row 1. L-R: Retro, Prom Night, Mid Winter Beach Party, Pirate Day (School)
Row 2. L-R: Rugby World Cup - All Blacks (School), Halloween, Kiwiana, Super Heroes
Row 3. L-R: Bad Taste, Stars & Stripes, Olympics Day (School), Fairy Tale Night
Row 4. L-R: Book Day (Camilla Cream), Rugby World Cup - England (School), Halloween, Retro 

Do you like wearing wigs? 
Got a photo? I would love to see it.
Please head over to my Facebook and SHARE your WACKY WIG photo(s)?

This post is part of

V is for Various Artists - My Favourite Songs

There are so many great songs being played at the moment, too many to name in one blogpost, so I am going to share a few of my favourite songs from Various Artists. These are the songs that no matter where I am (home or in the car), I will turn it up and sing along - even Master M is a fan of these songs, nodding his head and doing a bit of a dance (it's so cute).  Oh and I love buying compilation CDs with Various Artists too - they are the best! (yes, I still buy CDs). 
Tell me, what songs/artists are you loving RIGHT NOW? 

See You Again - Wiz Khalifa
(Fast & Furious 7)

Lay Me Down - Sam Smith & John Legend
 (Red Nose Day 2015)

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass

FourFiveSeconds - Rihanna, Kanye West & Paul McCartney 

Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars

Come Home With Me - Guy Sebastian


#TuesdayTen: 10 Random Facts About Me

I thought it was time to share some random facts about me on the blog and thanks to Tuesday Ten - it's happening RIGHT NOW! I love reading these sorts of posts, because it allows me to get to know the bloggers a bit more. So here are my 10 random (and not so random) facts about me...Enjoy!

Let's Begin...(1 Word Challenge)

I don't even know where to begin...
I can honestly say...I am having a s*%@ day and I am depressed! I only need to look around my house to know that I am having one of my low days...There are dishes on the bench, I can't even see the other side and my dining table is covered with random stuff. My lounge looks like a tornado has been through it, oh wait - that would be my 11 month old son! On top of the house looking like a disaster, I have to actually (eventually) clean it for Open Home on Sunday, make decorations for the kids birthday parties (doing everything on a very tight budget), get my planning finished for work (unit plan etc) and make time for my blog (I actually take blogging seriously, its more than a hobby to me).

I am exhausted, I have had bugger all sleep this past week due to Master M waking several times in the night and it has finally caught up on me! I am feeling very emotional and overwhelmed by everything that is happening in my life! It was just the other day that I had an OMG moment, when I realised that it's my kid's birthdays next week, NEXT WEEK!!! Arrrrghhhhh!! From today, Master M will be turning ONE in 7 days & Miss B will be turning TEN in 10 days - all I keep saying is "I'm not ready for this"! (I am in total denial)
Photo of me at 40 weeks pregnant with Master M
(my due date: 24th February)
With all thats been happening in our lives, I haven't had a chance to just sit down and reflect on Master M's first year or look back at Miss B's ten years - TEN YEARS! Two massive milestones and I have swept them both under the covers...I just don't think I am ready to accept that my babies are growing up! Everything is happening so fast, I feel like I need 6 more months just to catch up!

I know that I am going to be an emotional wreck leading up to their birthdays (wait - I already am!) -  plus getting the house ready Open Home on Sunday, work on Tuesday, blogging and planning/organising their birthdays (which are happening next weekend) - can you see why I am a little overwhelmed (okay I am VERY overwhelmed), however it's no surprise to anyone that I thrive on pressure and no matter how exhausted I am or will get, I will #makeithappen! I would be really proud of myself if I do manage to pull it off and I will have time to nap after the 12th - by then the house will *hopefully* be sold and the parties are all over rover!

These are the MAIN things that I am dealing with at the moment!
  • Planning and Organising three birthday parties (2x Saturday and 1xSunday)
  • Teacher planning for work (unit plans typed and emailed before Tuesday)
  • Blogging - writing posts
  • Clean house and get it ready for Open Home on Sunday - go and visit some Open Homes. 
  • Update Master M's baby books and keepsake box.
  • Take a moment or two to reflect on the TEN years of being a MUM!!
AAARRGGGHHHHH Where do I begin???

***A few moments later***
Okay, please forgive me, you just witnessed me having a mini breakdown! I am just glad you never got to see it real life - it wasn't pretty)...I have had depression for over 10 years and I have come to know what my tell-tale signs are e.g. crying (lots of crying), messy & cluttered home...and I have also learnt a few things along the way that help me get through an episode, not matter how big or small it is...

1. Firstly, accept that there is a problem and whether or not you need to ask for help or if you can help yourself. Write down everything that is bothering you or that is on your mind (kind of like letting it all out...on paper), thinking about what, who, where, why, when? Breaking it down makes it easier to choose a problem, task or area to focus on - it's important to tackle things one at a time. 

2. Now that you have chosen ONE task to work on (the other tasks will be done later on), think about ways/solutions that you can get the job done, without becoming overloaded or overwhelmed again. I love lists, so this step is one that I really enjoy! Write a to-do list or put all your ideas on paper, that way you can physically see it and it's one less thing in your (already overloaded) brain! 

3. Now to make a plan! Think SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Timely) and put it into action! You can do this! Good luck! Once you have tackled the problem/task - give yourself a pat on the back and maybe a treat before moving onto the next problem. If you didn't resolve it, go back to #2 and maybe choose another solution. 

Now wish me luck, as I am going to tackle my first problem - CLEAN THE HOUSE! I can't concentrate when there is mess or clutter around me (on top of an already cluttered mind)...so I am going to do 15 minute increments of tidying up each area of my home!

Let's begin!

This post is a part of The 1 Word Blog Challenge - Hosted by Lisa at The Golden Spoons
This weeks word prompts were Begin, Surprise & Forgive

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