Sunday Share: FMS PAD #4 + Weekly Recap

Isn't it crazy to think that we are already nearing the end of January and heading into February! Boy, time sure does fly when you are having fun, and I do hope you are having fun - enjoying the Summer holidays! (or keeping warm if you are on the other side of the world). 

Next week is going to be a big week for us, as we start getting back into our "Back to School" routines - Miss B is in her last year of Primary School (wow!) and I am returning to work in a couple of weeks (double wow!) (I found out this week that I will be working on Tuesdays) . Master M will be having a few visits with his new carer (Home-based) leading up to my first day of work eek! I will be meeting with the staff (including the teacher that I will be releasing) on Friday, which is perfect because we will get the chance to plan ahead for the term/year. I am starting to get a little excited about returning to the classroom - I love having structure to my day & being organised. #makeithappen

Anyway, back to Sunday Share: FMS PAD #4...If you have just joined my little blogging community {WELCOME} please check out my previous Sunday Share posts here:  Week 1, Week 2, Week 3.

Week 4 has been a lot of fun...did you play along this week?...My favourite prompt would have to be today - Day 25: Black and white. I absolutely love, love, love taking and checking out Black and White photos #blackandwhite #blackandwhitechallenge. Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim did a post earlier this week - Photography Lesson Tips - Mastering Black & White Photography. *A must see*. 

So without further ado, here are my photos from Week 4 - I continue to love and use my Canon EOS DSLR camera to take my PAD photos. 
Day 19 - Homemade
Day 20 - Window
Day 21 - In a row 
Day 22 - Collection
Day 23. Something far away

Day 24 - Play time
Day 25. Black + White
Which photo is your favourite? 
Come and join in the FMS Photo a Day FUN!
 #fmsphotoaday @FatMumSlim @charlene_ttmn

Head over to Fat Mum Slim to check out more details for Photo a Day - Week 5 or click the picture below!


Remember you can FOLLOW ME! on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest

Have a fabulous week! 


Sunday Share: FMS PAD #1

As I mentioned a couple of days ago in this post, FMS Photo a Day prompts are now being announced weekly, so I have decided to create a new segment on my blog - 

{Sunday Share}: FMS PAD

My previous posts for FMS Photo a Day September, October, November & December included a collage of my photos for the month and now that the prompts are given weekly - I want to share my photos - one for each day of the week, (except Week 1, it only has four days) on my blog. You can see the prompt list  for Week 1 here. 

I love taking photos so this month I am only using my Canon EOS camera. There is so much to learn about photography, however I am really enjoying the practice. Bron at Maxabella Loves has some great tips on photography for beginners - Check it out!

Here is my {Sunday Share}: FMS PAD #1

Day 1. The Sky
Day 2. Something Yellow
Day 3. Me today (Master M's first time at the beach) 
Day 4. I hear...
What do you think? Come and join in the fun! 

Week 2 Prompts are now available!! 

Remember: you can follow me on Instagram

Use hashtag #fmsphotoaday to see some amazing photos taken from people all around the world! 

Happy Sunday


FMS Photo a Day - December

This completes my fourth month of taking part in Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day Challenge. I absolutely love it and I have to admit - I'm a little addicted now! 

Here is my collage for the last month of 2014 - December. I had my little friend Santa Bear help me out with my photos this month. It made it a lot more fun by adding a bit of a Christmas spirit to each photo - he travelled around everywhere with me. 

I am really excited about taking part this year (2015) as now the prompts are given weekly (instead of monthly)...and I plan to use my new Canon EOS for my photos this month! I have even inspired (and encouraged) some of my friends to participate this year too. I can't wait to see their amazing photos (and YOURS).

Here is {Week 1} prompts by @FatMumSlim . Click on the pic below for more details on how to play. 

Instagram @charlene_ttmn 


FMS Photo a Day - October

I have completed my second month of #fmsphotoaday challenge with the fantastic Fat Mum Slim.
I posted back in early October about the can read about it here.

I chose to do a KIWIANA theme as I live in New Zealand and it was an opportunity to share some of the most iconic items that are relevant to my beautiful country.

Check out my collage! Can you name them all?

A is for All Blacks
B is for Buzzy Bee
C is for Chocolate Fish
D is for Deka
E is for Edmonds Cookery Book
F is for Four Square
G is for Gumboots
H is for Hokey Pokey Ice Cream
I is for Icons (NZ)
J is for Jandals
K is for Kowhai
L is for L&P (Lemon and Paeroa)
M is for Marmite
N is for Nikau
O is for Opononi & Omapere (Hokianga,NZ)
P is for Pōhutukawa
Q is for Quirky Fact
R is for Red Socks
S is for SpaceMan Candy Sticks
T is for Tiki
U is Uenuku (Rainbow)
V is for Valerie Adams
W is for Weetbix
X is for XFactorNZ
Y is for Yucca (Common plant in NZ gardens)
Z is for the Z is New Zealand
One (Tahi) Kiwi
Two (Rua) Flax flowers
Three (Toru) Kete
Four (Whā) Four Nations Rugby League
Five (Rima) as in 25 years Celebrating Kiwiburger (not the bird)

I had so much fun doing the Kiwiana month - that I have decided to continue to participate in the #fmsphotoaday challenge for this month NOVEMBER.

...I have chosen to dedicate this month to my two beautiful children #kidstheme, so my photos will have something to do with either Miss B, Master M or both :)

You can follow me on Instagram -

Hope to see you there

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