Y is for Year: My Goals for 2015 ***UPDATED***

At the beginning of the year I shared My Goals for 2015, and seen as am notorious for forgetting them, I have decided to do a bit of an update of where I'm at. (Inspired by Lisa at The Golden Spoons). 

My motto for 2015 is #MakeitHappen - Make it Memorable. We are heading into our 5th month...so let's see how I'm getting on with my goals...

Personal Goals
1. Be more Organised! B
I have returned to work. Teaching a Year 2/3 class and I absolutely love it. I enjoy being back in the classroom. I have to be super organised on Tuesday mornings, because I have two kids to drop off (my son goes to home-based childcare and my daughter goes to her friends house, then school). There have been times that I have turned up to work 10 minutes before the bell, eek...(I have to travel 20 minutes to work)...however I am getting better - time management is improving each week.  I have decluttered and organised MOST of my containers, have 2 more to do! So I am on the right track. Going to start on my photos next month! (wish me luck) 

2. Find a new home! A+ (for selling our house) 
We sold our house quite quickly and now we are on the hunt for a new house - so this goal will be ticked off VERY SOON!

3. Learn more about Photography B
Continuing to learn new things about my camera and photography...I have definitely improved in the past 4 months and I know I am only going to get better. I love photography.

4. Walk up/Climb Mt Manaia F
I was actually thinking about this one the other day...I need to walk up Parahaki (3 times to catch up) :( I will get up there...one day!

5. Organise TWO Milestone birthday parties A+
I did it!!! I actually pulled off TWO  no THREE parties in ONE weekend...Check them out...
A Little Golden Book themed First Birthday
Miss B's Paris themed 10th Birthday


Blogging Goals

I have been blogging officially since September 2014 (I created my Facebook page in May 2014). I have really enjoyed my blogging journey so far and am really excited about what 2015 has to offer! Here are my five blogging goals...

1. Reach milestones B
FACEBOOK: 674 (Milestones 500 & 600) 
TWITTER: 97 (only 3 more to reach milestone 100 followers) B
INSTAGRAM: 221 (Milestone 200 - CHECK) A 
PINTEREST: 87 (would LOVE more followers) C

2. Guest Post on other blogs C - Work in Progress
I will be guest blogging on a couple of blogs in the next month or so (Watch this space) 
GUEST POSTS/BLOGS --> I have had one lovely guest blogger on TTMN to date (Thanks Lydia) and I have a couple in the pipeline - coming soon. I still have spaces available if YOU would like to be a guest blogger on my blog. Send me a message via Facebook or Contact Form found on the left sidebar.
1. Q is for Q&A with Always Made With Love

3. Be a more Organised blogger! B

This is a work in progress kind of goal - I have had days when I have been super organised and other days, where I have stayed up really late finishing off blogposts...When you have an idea...you just have to run with it!!
I am really proud of myself for sticking to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge!! ONE MORE DAY and I have completed a whole month of blogging every day (plus on top of my other blogposts)! Go ME!

4. Meet some Blogging friends C (It will happen)
All my blogging friends get an A+ :) I have yet to meet them face to face but there is still plenty of time for that aye Ladies (Courtney, Lydia  & Claire)

5. Enjoy it! A
I LOVE my little blog. I am enjoying every minute of it! 

So there you have it - my goals for 2015! ***UPDATED*** - I think I am doing pretty good, don't you think? 
How are you getting on with your goals this year? 
This post is part of

#TuesdayTen: My Goals for 2015 - #MakeitHappen

In the past, I have had resolutions and usually by March/April I have totally forgotten what they are and then remember them on the 30th December, when it's too late in the year to do anything about it! Does that happen to anyone else? So instead of having resolutions, I have goals or areas of my life that I want to improve and I write them down or add them to my Bucket List.

My motto for 2015 is #MakeitHappen - Make it Memorable. This makes me really excited & motivated about the year ahead! For too long, I have let things slide under the radar, and never looked back, however this year that is all about to change...I will wake up, pay attention & #make it happen. 
Personal Goals

1. Be more Organised!
I thrive when I am organised! This year I plan to return to the classroom one day a week, so between home, work & my blog I want to have everything organised. I have my monthly planner (which I love), and have started an editorial calendar for the blog to make things a bit easier for myself. It's going to be a big year for me us, lots of things happening, so ORGANISATION is the key! Keeping with the organisation theme...I have so many photos stored on my laptop, phone & camera (not to mention the ones already saved on my external hard-drive),  I would love to have them ALL organised and have photos printed into albums/photo-books. The same goes for my sentimental items. I need to de-clutter and organise my storage containers. I love this post by Abby at Just a Girl and her Blog - it is the perfect solution! 

2. Find a new home!
This is totally dependent on whether or not we sell our current house. We will be putting our house on the market in the next month or so, eek. We have looked at a couple of potential houses but can't make any plans to move forward just yet. I would love to move into a new house this year! 

3. Learn more about Photography 
I have always loved taking photos (hence why I need to organise them), however since I got my DSLR camera for Christmas - I want to learn everything there is to know (well maybe not everything), but just enough so that I am making the most of my camera and not taking photos in Auto. So therefore, I would like to do a Photography Course/Workshop to improve my photography and increase knowledge and skills, or maybe meet with a photographer and get some tips (I actually know a few close to home!).

4. Walk up/Climb Mt Manaia 

This is actually on my bucket list. Now that I have walked up Parahaki (1/1/15), I would like to do this at least once a month, and then at the end of the year before my birthday in November, walk up/climb Mt Manaia (preferably with my family). 

5. Organise TWO Milestone birthday parties 

We will be celebrating not one but TWO birthday milestones in March...Miss B is turning 10 - YIKES! (Double digits) & Master M is turning ONE - and they happen to be in the same week! I already have the themes sorted, its just a matter of pulling them off! Watch this space!

Blogging Goals

I have been blogging officially since September 2014 (I created my Facebook page in May 2014). I have really enjoyed my blogging journey so far and am really excited about what 2015 has to offer! Here are my five blogging goals...

1. Reach milestones
I love watching my little blog community grow - I need YOUR help to do this! If you are reading this post - You can follow me on FacebookInstagramPinterest & Twitter, please pop over and say HI & click the LIKE/FOLLOW button - a big thank you in advance :). 

2. Guest Post on other blogs. 

I would love to be a Guest on someone's blog (wink, wink). I would also love to have 6 guest bloggers this year - So if you are interested, please let me know (best to contact me via Facebook). You can read my first Guest Blogger post by Courtney from Bliss & Baby Brain (while you are there, why not share some love).

3. Be a more Organised blogger! 

When I set up my blog in September last year, I didn't really know what I was doing, I just knew it was something I wanted to do...I read a lot of Blogging tips and was inspired by other bloggers with a similar niche to mine. As the months went on, my page views increased and this got me excited - people from all around the world were actually reading my blog (it's a pretty cool feeling). I love structure and being organised (as I have already mentioned), so I have an editorial calendar to help me get more organised on the blog. I have introduced a new segment/series: {Sunday Share} where I share my #FMSPhotoaDay photos and I will also link back to previous posts from the week - just in case you missed them. I have so many blog ideas for this year...I can't wait to share them with you. 

4. Meet some Blogging friends 
I have met so many lovely bloggers online who I consider my friends. I would love to actually meet one, two or even three of them in real life. I might have to start with the local ones first though, in my own country, before heading overseas! Who would be keen for a cuppa and a catch up? 

5. Enjoy it!

Last year I found something that I am passionate about, that makes me happy, and is something for ME and I get to share all of it with YOU, my readers! A lot of work goes into blogging, it takes time and effort, however I do really enjoy it! This year I want to continue to enjoy my creative outlet - my 5th wall and I hope you do too!

So there you have it - my goals for 2015! Let's #MakeitHappen - Make it Memorable!

What are your goals this year? 
(If you are a blogger, please leave me a link to your goals in the comments or via social media, I would love to read them!)

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to TuesdayTen :) 

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