Father's Day Gift Ideas from Toddlers

Stuck for Father's Day ideas from your toddler?
Father's Day is on this Sunday (September 6th) for us, here in New Zealand and Australia, so I thought I would share a few favourite creations I found circulating around the blogosphere. I have also included something special I made (on my son's behalf) for his Daddy last year.

Here are some crafty and inexpensive Father's Day gift ideas your toddler can make at home - Made With Love. 

Cobwebs Cupcakes and Crayons

DIY Sharpie 'Scribble' Mugs 
Always Made With Love

Pink and Green Mama

Thriving Home 

Here are a couple of ideas I did for Master M's Daddy last year...

Photo Collage (Baby/Toddler holding letters D.A.D)
Teacher by trade Mother by nature

DIY: I Love You to Pieces Frame
Teacher by trade Mother by nature

You will need: 
A frame (what ever size you like) 
Puzzle pieces 
Glue (I used a Hot Glue gun)
"I love you to pieces" message (handwritten or printed)

Gather all your materials. I bought a couple of puzzles from the local op-shop for $1 and frame for $2. Get your toddler to place puzzles pieces and with your help, glue them around the frame. While the puzzle pieces are drying, you can either write the "I love you to pieces" message on a piece of card or make one on the computer and laminate it. *Note: I made these with my Coffee Group, so I had a few options, with different fonts and sizes. Glue the message on to the puzzle frame and leave it to dry. Pop in a photo of your choice (e.g. Dad & kids or just kids) and present it to him on Father's Day.

The great thing about this frame is you can make one for Dad, Mum, Aunty, Uncle and even Grandparents. A beautiful gift idea, made with love, that will definitely bring a smile to their face.

What do you think of these cute and very special, made with love, Father's Day Gift Ideas? Which one do you think you will try with your toddler? 

Happy Father's Day


PLAY IDEA: Spaghetti Sensory Play for Babies and Toddlers

Hi guys!

My name is Maria and I blog over at Pastels & Macarons. A blog about all things female and motherhood. The main things I blog about are mums, kids, babies, home decor, DIY Projects, Craft and Travel. I'm so happy to be guest blogging for Charlene!

I have two sons. Locky my 26 month old and Cooper my baby who is 10 months old. I'm always looking for ways to entertain my kids with new and fun activities even if it means cleaning up masses of mess! Sensory play is so much fun and so vital for their development.

I decided to give Spaghetti play a go with Cooper to see if he enjoyed it and how he went about playing with it.
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