Taking Stock - July 2016

Welcome to another 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed any, you can read all of my Taking Stock posts HERE. Pip from Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this, so be sure to check out her blog and share the blog love. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue to do, this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life. I am dedicating the last Sunday of every month to a Taking Stock post. 

Here's what's been happening in the month of JULY...

Making: sure I get #inthepicture with my kids.

Cooking: Butter Chicken with Garlic butter wraps - delicious

Drinking: lots of water! Today is the last day of Dry July - I am pleased to say I have NOT had any Coke in the month of July, and my partner has not had any beer/alcohol! So proud of us.

Reading: all about the 'Sentimental' category of KonMari method. The final category - eek!

Wanting: a better system for storing my Teacher Resources - click the image to see my after photos.

Looking: at this gorgeous park in Hamilton. Definitely take my kids back here in the Summer.

Playing: with the kids during the school holidays

Deciding: what cards and letters to keep...See my post here

Wishing: they added more apple flavouring to the Cadbury Dairy Milk - Apple Crumble chocolate. I do like the Lamington one...although it is very coconut-y

Enjoying: my special 'Card Shop in a Box' - can't wait to send some Happy Mail to my nearest and dearest.

Feeling: a little stressed...I have had quite a lot on...organising the Big Latch On, sorting out plumbing issues, buying a new car, having no Coke (ha!), going back to work, KonMari'ing my Sentimental items, plus trying to keep up with my blog and social media accounts. Fingers crossed next month (August) is less stressful for me.

Helping: organise this years Big Latch On - this will be my third year organising the event, and participating too...I will be starting to wean Master M after the event (insert sad face).

Waiting: for AUGUST! Lots of celebrations to be had...including my partner's birthday, and celebrating one year in our home.

Liking: our Science area at Playcentre - I spent three days rearranging and organising all our play areas! It looks and feels amazing. 

Loving: our new car - it's so spacious. We bought a Honda Odyssey Absolute.

Buying: a new purse - now I have enough room for my iPhone 6s - yaye!

Wearing: my puffer jacket most days...it's been super windy lately.

Admiring: all those who took part in Dry July - Congratulations on your achievement! It's a great cause.

Sorting: my keepsakes...I have started to KonMari my Sentimental items! Here's the first part - Cards & Letters. 

Celebrating: ONE YEAR IN OUR HOUSE! 1st August 2015 was the date we stayed in our new family home for the first time. What a year it has been! I love it, and really happy we got this place when we did. It's perfect (for us).

Giggling: at Miss B's reaction when she jumped in our new car. I think she likes loves it!

Watching: 1 hour Shortland Street on Mondays! Bliss. I love my hospital dramas! Tuesday I watch Grey's Anatomy and Wednesday it's Chicago Med.

Hoping: to get at least 100 breastfeeding mothers together at this years' Big Latch On event. I am co-ordinating it again this year.  Last year we had 72 mums and bubs, including twins.

Needing: our drains fixed. A couple of weeks ago, we had major problems with our drains and plumbing, especially the toilet. We thought we fixed the problem, but it happened again last week. We had to move quickly, so I got on the phone and found an awesome drainage company who fixed it and replaced the pipe on the same day. I will be recommending this business to all of my friends and family.

Getting: to know me better with 20 Random Facts About Charlene - which reminds me, I really need to update my About page...watch this space. 

Bookmarking: easy dinner ideas...if you have any to add, please let me know in the comments below.

Hearing: the rubbish truck come down the street and my little boy squealing with excitement!

Forgetting: times of appointments...I have recently started to use my iPhone iCalendar a lot more this month.

Winning: at life - well thinking positive about it anyway.

Giggling: at Master M dressed up as a Fireman - he looked so cute!

Pretending: to enjoy Master M's 'play dough' food creations

I am...
Embracing: life, love & positivity!

Now it's YOUR turn...

Tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was JULY for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.

Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts

Until next time, I hope the next month treats you well!

Linking up at these parties.

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TAKING STOCK - June 2016

Welcome to another 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed it, here's January, FebruaryMarchApril and May. Pip from Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this, so be sure to check out her blog and share the blog love. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue to do, this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life. I am dedicating the last Sunday of every month to a Taking Stock post. 

Here's what's been happening in the month of JUNE...

Making: plans for the school holidays - I'm going to need a holiday after!

Cooking: Slow cooker Chocolate Self Sauce Pudding

Drinking: my last bottle of Coke - next month is DRY JULY. My partner are both doing it! No alcohol for him and no Coke for me! Wish us luck!

Reading: lots of amazing blogs in our Friday Favourites link party.

Wanting: (and needing) a haircut...one day...

Looking: forward to catching up with friends and family in the school holidays.

Playing: with water & bubbles at Playcentre - our kids love washing the animals

Deciding: what to do next...

My Office
Wishing: my niece a very Happy Birthday x

Enjoying: work this year! I am working with a great staff and awesome students.

Waiting: for my Tax refund.

Liking: a clean kitchen

Loving: my family.

Buying: mint stationery supplies for my desk (from KMart)

Mint Stationery Supplies
Watching: Grey's Anatomy and Chicago Med - I really like Hospital dramas

Hoping: to start purging my teacher resources this week - I'm actually looking forward to it.

Needing: to organise the kids toys.

Wearing: my ugg boots. I usually live in my jandals, even through Winter...however it's been cold lately, so I bought a new pair of uggs.

Admiring: my Dad.

SortingLINEN CUPBOARD, HOLIDAY DECORATIONS, HOME DECOR & more Miscellaneous items - thanks to the KonMari method.

Celebrating: Matariki at my school - I presented this amazing korowai (cloak) - covered in 278 feathers, decorated by the students. They all loved it.

Celebrating Matariki
Giggling: at Master M's facials when the rubbish/recycling truck drives passed!

Feeling: blah (emotional) this week. I really hope next week is better.

Helping: a friend re-design her blog - I really enjoy that sort of stuff.

Getting: organised!

BookmarkingCreating a Custom Desktop Organiser by A House Full of Sunshine

My very own Custom Desktop Organiser

Hearing: rain! ugh Winter is here.

Slicing: fresh fruit for morning tea at PlayCentre.

Forgetting: to get meat out for dinner! Oops

Winning: a Gorgeous bracelet from Fabuleux Vous for renewing my year subscription to OHbaby! Magazine. See it here.

Pretending: everything is O.K, when sometimes it's not.

Sneaking: a bag of mixed M&Ms in this weeks grocery shop.

Embracing: this motto - Keeping Life Simple

Now it's YOUR turn...

Tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was JUNE for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.

Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts

Until next time, I hope the next month treats you well!

Linking up at these parties.

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Taking Stock - May 2016

Welcome to my fifth 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed it, here's January, FebruaryMarch. and April. Pip from Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this, so be sure to check out her blog and share the blog love. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue to do, this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life. I am dedicating the last Sunday of every month to a Taking Stock post. 

Here's what's been happening in the month of MAY...

Taking Stock - April 2016

Hi there! *waving* 
Happy 1st of May. I am back from my two-week break and I'm really excited to get stuck into my blogging schedule. I have missed it, and I have missed YOU! How are YOU?

First things first - what do you think about my new look! Do you like it? I hope you do. As some of you know, I am currently working my way through the KonMari method and I was getting a little frustrated with the way my blog looked, so I KonMari'd it.

Sunday Share: Taking a Break (Week 16)

Hi there, 
You may have noticed I am a bit late with my Sunday Share post, to be honest I wasn't sure if I was going to post one. I have decided to combine my Sunday Share: Currently post with my Weekly Newsletter, rather than taking over my Subscriber's Inboxes...so today you get 2 for 1. 

Sunday Share: Currently - Week 15

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Sunday Share: Currently - Week 14

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Taking Stock - March 2016 (Week 13)

Welcome to my third 'Taking Stock' for 2016. In case you missed it, here's January & February
Full credit to Pip from Meet Me At Mike, who is the mastermind behind it all. This is something I have done since I started blogging and will continue this year. You can read my previous Taking Stock posts HERE. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in our lives. I am going to dedicate the last Sunday of every month to a Taking Stock post, instead of a 'Currently' post.

Here's what's been happening in the month of MARCH...

Making: an Easter Craft Box for the kids. They are having so much fun getting their 'craft on' this weekend.

Cooking: Baking: Hot Cross Buns! 

Drinking: Hot Chocolate from McCafe - a lovely Mother/Daughter date before we had to pick up Master M.

Reading: SPARK JOY! Marie Kondo's second book, following her bestseller 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up'. 'Spark Joy' goes into more detail and shows illustrations of how to fold clothes and organise your items. I am loving it so far. Have you read it? You can read all my previous KonMari posts HERE.

Wanting: to take my kids back 'home' to my Nan & Papa's farm, now it belongs to my Uncle. They had such an awesome time and my son was definitely in his element being out in the open spaces and Miss B loved the creek (just like I did when I was her age). We have made plans with my cousin to return in the School Holidays! Can't wait! 

Looking: forward to the School Holidays! 

Playing: around with SnapChat! I've caught the SnapChat bug...are you on it? You can follow me @Charlene_TTMN 

Wishing: I didn't wait so long to see my extended family. I've missed them so much. It was nice to re-connect.

Celebrating: Miss B's 11th Birthday and Master M's 2nd Birthday with friends and family. Party photos coming soon. 

Enjoying: family time, oh and eating chocolate! 

Liking: the 5-day Easter weekend! It's all about whānau! (family) 

Wondering: if my Nan and Papa are proud of me and the person I have become. 

Loving: the sound of Te Reo Māori (Maori language) being spoken. It's such a beautiful language.

Master M had his second hair cut last week. So handsome. 

Considering: getting photos printed and updating our family photo frame in the lounge. Watch this space.

Buying: A couple of ponchos and a puffer jacket - ready for the cold, Winter months. 

Watching: Hop today with my kids - An Easter favourite! 

Hoping: to finish my KonMari Journey soon. Saving the best (and hardest) until last...teacher resources & Sentimental items. I can see the light. Once I have finished purging my stuff. I will be starting on the kids items...following the same method. Watch this space for more KonMari goodness.

Needing: to upload Master M's birthday photos on to my computer so I can share them with you!

Questioning: Who voted to change our New Zealand flag? 

Following: Janine's YouTube channel at A Young Mum

Noticing: how much my girl has grown! This is the Miss B a lot of my family and friends remember - She was about 2 1/2 - 3 years old in this photo.

Knowing: I am a very lucky person to have such amazing people in my life! Thank you all!

Thinking: of my Nan & Papa! I miss them both so much.

Admiring: one of my high school friends, who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her positive attitude blows me away! I am so proud of her.  

Sorting: photos on my laptop! It's a massive job, especially when you have A LOT like me.

Getting: our home ready for Easter with some KMart goodies. My photo was featured on @get_inspired IG! Totally made my day!

Bookmarking: blogging tips! I am always wanting to learn new things and ways I can improve my blog. I love blogging, and if I want to continue I need to take pride of the space I have in the web! Is there anything that YOU would like to see more of/less of on Teacher by trade, Mother by nature?
Get in touch

Coveting: a new car! We are currently on the look out for a new family car...oh the decisions!

Giggling: at some of the features on SnapChat! It's so much fun! I have definitely been missing out! 

Feeling: emotional after yesterday.

Snacking: on Easter Eggs!

Helping: the kids open their Easter treats...They each got a winter pjs and a boxed egg from us and some Easter Eggs/Bunnies from Nana & Papa. No doubt they will get more when we visit my partners' family for Easter Monday Lunch.

I hope your Easter has been a good one.


Now it's YOUR turn...
Tell me, what's happening in YOUR world? How was MARCH for you? 
Choose three words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below. 

Until next time, have a wonderful week/month ahead!

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Sunday Share: Currently - Week 12

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Reading: my fave parenting magazine, OHbaby, with my son. He likes pointing to all the babies.

Admiring: the view from the school I work at. We live in such a beautiful place. Truly blessed. Aoteraoa - The Land of the Long White Cloud.

Making: up an Easter Craft Box for my kids. They are going to love getting their 'craft on'!

Eating: Hot Cross Buns! What is your favourite? Traditional? Fruitless? Chocolate? and I even heard there was a Mocha one!

Organising: our Playcentre photos! This is going to make things so much easier when we go to print our photos. I wish my own photos were this organised, at the moment they are organised by Year and by Month.

Loving: the backdrop of this Playcentre I visited earlier in the week. It is absolutely stunning! I am really enjoying visiting a different Playcentre each week to get some inspiration for our own centre. Speaking of which, we had five new families visit this week - which is amazing! We are slowly but surely growing our little community.

Now it's YOUR turn! 
Tell me what you have been up too - what have I missed? 

What are you currently reading? 
Do you do any Easter crafts with your children? 
Are you a fan of Hot Cross Buns? What is your favourite? 
How do you organise your photos? 
Are you a PlayCentre parent? or have you ever attended PlayCentre? 

Until next time, have a wonderful week!

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Sunday Share: Currently - Week 11

Hi all, I am BACK! Woohoo! Slowly getting back into my blogging routine - I have so much to share with you all. I wish I could share it all at once...but there isn't enough time in the day and I have other commitments I need to think about, so watch this space or simply Subscribe to my blog (Each post or Weekly Newsletter) - sign up forms are below, and don't miss a post.


Sunday Share: Currently - Week 10

Hi there!
First of all, I have to apologise for the lateness of my 'Sunday Share' post. With all the birthday planning, organising and celebrating this past week/weekend, I didn't get a chance to click PUBLISH on my Sunday Share post, until now - because I wanted to include a few birthday photos (of Master M). So, today I am sharing a 'Mid-Week' Currently post, however I am only sharing photos up until Sunday 6th March...and on Sunday (13th March), I will share photos from this 'current' week (hope that makes sense).

I hope you are all well, and have had a fabulous week/weekend with loved ones...and that you are having an amazing day today!

Chat soon,

Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! You can read more about me and my blog HERE and read previous Sunday Share* posts HERE. And if you like what you see and read - Don't Miss A Post & Subscribe Today!

Here's what I've been Currently up to...

Cleaning: my kitchen (in fact, I spent my only child-free day cleaning my WHOLE house - from top to bottom!

Making: a photo display, showing monthly photos of Master M (from 13 months - 24 months). I did the same for his first birthday too.

Sorting: through this CHAOS!! I KonMari'd my Stationery. See the full details and more photos HERE.

& Coming Soon to the blog - CRAFT SUPPLIES (Watch this space)

Enjoying: a bit of gardening with Master M - getting a house & yard all nice and ready for our visitors.

Building: a play kitchen for Master M's birthday. It took me two hours - feeling pretty proud of myself actually!

Receiving: a 'Birthday' Certificate from Playcentre was pretty cool! - A great way to kick-start the birthday weekend!

And finally...
CELEBRATING: Master M's 2nd Birthday! (I will be sharing photos of his 'Construction' Party soon - so watch this space.). Happy Birthday Master M!

- His presents were all wrapped up in some of the 'construction' themed decorations I bought a few weeks back! He LOVED waking up to this! And then there were a few little pressies in the cupboards of the play kitchen.

- Fast asleep...the last photo of him as a '1 year old' (tear)

- gave my followers a sneak peek of the party favours I made.

- THE CAKE -  This was a HUGE hit! Master M absolutely LOVED it! Like I said above, I will be sharing more photos of his 'Construction' Party soon on the blog. 

Now it's YOUR turn! 
Tell me what you have been up too - what have I missed? 

Have you celebrated any birthdays this week? 
Do you bake birthday cakes or buy them (and then decorate them?)
What do you enjoy doing the most? 

Until next time, have a wonderful week!

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