10 Cleaning & Organising Tips That Never Get Old

If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know I love cleaning and organisation, especially organised home challenges. When my life, home and family are organised, I am a very happy and relaxed person.  Today I am sharing the 10 Tips I regularly use to keep my home clean and organised. These tips never get old, in fact you may already know some of them, but ask yourself...'Do I implement them into my home on a daily basis?' I hope I can inspire you to do so. And because it's the new year, I have also included a few FREE PRINTABLES* for you to print and display in your home.  Enjoy!

Here are my 10 Tips for Cleaning and Organising YOUR HOME...

1. Make your bed
Making your bed every morning sets the tone for the day ahead.  When I get up in the morning, I give the kids breakfast, have a cup of tea and check a few emails, then I will go back into my room and make the bed. When the bed is made, it not only makes the room look cleaner but it will be ready for you to climb into at the end of a busy day. What more can you ask for?

2. Keep surfaces clear
Limiting the items you have on your surfaces definitely helps with this.
When you are preparing or cooking meals, take a few minutes to clear away items and/or dishes that are no longer needed or being used and give the surface a spray and wipe. It will make a difference, and you will feel much better getting it out of the way now, rather than leaving it until later, when you are tired and want to relax.

I like to have a clean kitchen before I go to bed, there is nothing better than waking up to a clean kitchen in the morning, am I right? After dinner, I clear all the plates, load the dishwasher and wash anything that can't go in, leaving them to dry in the rack over night.

Extra tip: Get one of your children to unload the dishwasher in the morning or do it while you are waiting for the kettle to boil, then treat yourself with a nice hot cuppa. Win-win!

3. Nothing left on the floor
At the end of the day, I grab a flexi-tub and pick up anything off the floor that doesn't belong there (I often get the kids to help too), picking up toys, shoes, bags, clothes, books etc and returning the items to their rightful homes. It only takes 10-15 minutes. It's always nice to see the floor again, especially during the school holidays. Be sure to check under the couch and beds too.

4. Have a laundry routine
Would you believe me if I told you I used to do ALL my laundry in one day - it's true! I would wash and hang my clothes and then fold them the same day, however I started slacking in the folding department and my family were left to sift through baskets of washing to find what they needed. Fast forward to now...I do laundry 4 days a week (including bedding in the weekends). By breaking it up over the week, Mt Washmore & Mt Foldmore are not as big and daunting. The most important thing to remember is to 'put the clothes away' once they are folded. If you have to, set the timer!
Extra tip: Give your washing machine a clean at least once a month. You can run a hot cycle with a cap of white vinegar, and wipe down the outside of the machine with a micro-fibre cloth. 

Grab yourself a Laundry Sign & Routine FREE PRINTABLE or click on the images below. Simply Print and display in your Laundry. 

5. Clean the bathroom
Before you go to bed each night, dedicate a few minutes to giving the bathroom a quick clean.  When you are brushing your teeth, give the hand basin a quick spray and wipe, pick up the bath toys or spray the shower,  leave for minute or two, then rinse. I guarantee it will make you feel good walking in there in the morning.

6. Set a date to clean your oven
This is actually a new tip, one I have been using since we moved into our new home four months ago. Regularly cleaning your oven once a month, will save you a lot of backache later, especially if it has been a while since you last cleaned it. Set a date each month, and mark it on your calendar - cleaning your oven isn't THAT bad! Extra Tip: Use baking soda, white vinegar & a bit of elbow grease for those stubborn stains and your oven will be sparkling new again. 

7. Baking Soda & White Vinegar ARE your best friends
I have mentioned these two products before because they are totally awesome and if you don't have them in your Cleaning Caddy - you need to! There are so many ways you can use baking soda and white vinegar in your home.  To get you started, check out this list.

8. Declutter, Declutter, Declutter!
For you to be truly clean and organised, you have to own less stuff! Right? De-cluttering is good for the mind, body and soul and not to mention your home. When you are surrounded by clutter, everything can seem overwhelming. You often find yourself having days where you feel like you are chasing your own tail and you can't keep on top of the 'stuff'. I have done a few organising challenges myself and every time I do a new one, more stuff leaves my home.

I will be putting the well-known KonMari method (from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo) to the test very soon and I am excited to be sharing my journey with you. Things are about to get real and I am ready to do an overhaul of my home. Wish me luck! If you would like to follow my progress, or even join me, then simply Subscribe to my blog, so you don't miss a post.

9. Label Your Things
The thing I love most about my Pantry is: most things in it are labelled! This is my happy place and is an area I like to keep clean and organised, thanks to the labels. When you label items in your home, it makes it easier for things to be returned to the right place, by you or any member of your family. Make your own labels or invest in a label maker, either way - labelling is your friend, so use it in your home today.

And lastly, my favourite tip...
10 . Meal Plan
Meal planning has changed my life (for the better). Deciding what you are having for dinner over a week or even month (if you wish) will ultimately, save you time and avoid the 'What's for Dinner?' moans and groans about 5pm. Meal planning also helps you save money when you are grocery shopping, because you are only buying the necessary ingredients for the weekly meals you have planned.

Grab your 'What's for Dinner?' FREE PRINTABLE today. Simply click the image below, Print and laminate so you can use it week after week, and pop it on your fridge for the whole family to see.

YOUR TURN: I would love it if you left me a comment below with YOUR #1 tip for keeping your home clean and organised. Ready? Go! And if you know someone who you think will benefit from this list and/or printables, feel free to PIN, TWEET and SHARE.

Thanks for stopping by,

Disclosure: Printables are for personal use only

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20 Day Challenge - OVERVIEW

{Clean, De-clutter & Organise Your Home in just 20 Days!} 
Check out what I did to my home in just 20 days...includes before and after photos...See it here.


{20 Day Challenge} Day 20 - THE LAST DAY

{Day 20}
I can't believe it is Day 20 - the last day of the 20 Days to Organise & Clean Your Home Challenge - although I only need to look at my house and see how clean & organised it is...routines are put in place, new habits & 5 minutes tasks completed regularly...I am feeling fantastic and very proud of myself for completing this challenge!

Today I de-cluttered a few things from the freezer and gave it a good clean... PLUS I have organised a "Baking Day" with my daughter for this weekend - to celebrate my success. 

Looking back... My Goals

When at home I want to feel organised and relaxed
I want to spend more time doing fun activites outside with my family & Blogging 
I want an area of the home where I can set up a desk/area for laptop and stationary
I want to organise my Bedroom & the containers of 'sentimental items' hidden away in the wardrobes
I don't need anymore but can't part with clothes and teacher resources
I always lose motivation


  • I am definitely feeling more organised and relaxed and so does my partner when he gets home from work.
  • I have loved blogging about my journey during the 20 day challenge. I hope you have enjoyed reading about it and seeing the before and after photos.
  • Now that the house is sorted I am looking forward to spending more time outside enjoying the sunshine with my kids. BRING ON SUMMER
  • I now have a designated area where I work and where I keep my stationary etc.. 
  • My bedroom is clean & organised and I make my bed every morning before I leave the room.
  • I have culled and organised A LOT of my 'sentimental items' which feels great to FINALLY get it done
  • I have donated 3 rubbish bags full of clothes/shoes to op-shop & dumped a rubbish bag full of teacher resources no longer needed.

This is my home. I would be happy if potential buyers walked through my house today and opened my cupboards!!

Hi 5 and a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Katrina & Kate at The Organised Housewife
and to everyone in our AWESOME FB Community!! You are all fantastic - give yourselves a PAT on the BACK for making the first step - SIGNING UP to this CHALLENGE!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!! You WILL get there!! Believe in yourselves! I believe in you! 

To anyone that is considering doing the challenge! I highly recommend it.



{20 Day Challenge} Day 19 - Kids Bedroom

So this is what happens when Miss B doesn't tidy her room before bed...she really gave me something to clean in todays task - Kids Bedroom...I decided to give it a makeover instead, and clean as I go! 

View from the door

Bright & Beautiful 
View from end of bed

Currently using mini shelf as bedside table (buying a new one is on the to-do list)

Miss B's favourite photo of her and Master M ( he was 3 weeks old) & her notepad take pride next to her bed

TV unit perfect for storing Miss B's Rainbow Loom and Nail Polish/Equipment.
Pink tub  used for dirty washing
Mini-Stereo/CDS & Headphones

DVD storage & Rainbow Loom
I got this awesome organiser from The Warehouse - It's great for storing those little loom bands.
I have also seen them at Mitre 10 & Warehouse Stationary
(Note to self: Make new labels) 

Loved it so much that I got one for Miss B's nail polish.

Bookshelf dusted and de-cluttered

Morning Routine (Made by Me)
Evening Routine (Made by Me)

Nice clean mirrors

Miss B LOVES her new bedroom - she promises to keep it clean and tidy every day. 


{20 Day Challenge} Day 16: Wardrobe & Day 17: Medicine Cabinet

We had a Family Day Out yesterday, visiting family and friends. It was nice to get away for the day, especially after spending two days giving our front garden a Garden Makeover, however it puts me a day behind in the 20 Day Challenge! So I decided to tackle Day 16 and Day 17 today. 

Day 16 - Wardrobe

How do you store your clothes? Wardrobe? Walk-in Wardrobe? Drawers? Both? 
At the moment, I don't have the luxury of using my wardrobe, as we have converted the area into Master M's nursery (see it here). Every time I had the motivation to get in there and sort it out, Master M was due for his nap - well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it lol...so it is now on my to-do list tomorrow (after 1st nap). Most of the stuff in there is more sentimental items so I will sort through them after giving the wardrobe a good clean. Watch this space. 

So, onto the next task...De-clutter & Organise Clothes
I love op-shopping and at the beginning of this challenge I could have easily opened my own op-shop with the amount of clothes that I owned. Thankfully, I tackled and de-cluttered a massive pile of clothes during the Main Bedroom challenge because there were piles in almost every corner of the room and it was frustrating me. 

I am happy to report that all my clothes were actually in the drawers (laundry up to date YAY!), just not organised (Doh!), I got a bit slack about putting clothes away properly (Oops!). I went through each drawer, asking myself - Does it fit? Have I worn it in the last few months? Will I actually wear it? I am getting better at answering these questions honestly and got rid of some items today, putting them straight into a bag and in the car to drop off to the op-shop the next morning. 

I am a new liker of filing your clothes or rolling them in the drawers - 1) It gives you more space, 2) You are able to see what you have, and 3) It looks more organised. What do you think? 

Do you HANG, FOLD, FILE or ROLL your clothes? 

I love opening my drawers now, and I can open them with ease. 
New rule though - {One In - One Out} (that's going to be hard, but I will TRY)

This is how I organise my bracelets & necklaces. I found this funky mug tree at the op-shop for a couple of dollars - Perfect for displaying jewellery. How do you organise your jewellery?

Day 17 - Medicine Cabinet

Our cleaning task for today was to clean light switches & door handles! I really feel for those that have more than 3 bedrooms in their houses! We have a 2 bedroom house, and there are quite a lot of light switches and door handles...so I can only imagine that there will be two, maybe three times more in a bigger house (Good luck!).

My favourite task today was De-clutter and Organise Medicine Cabinet. This is an area I definitely needed to improve on. I keep Pamol & antibiotics in the fridge and First Aid items are kind of all over the house - bathroom cupboard, junk drawer & on the fridge. NOW...it is all in the one container that I keep on the top shelf in the pantry. I made my own label, filled out the Emergency Contacts form and popped it in, then put our 'First Aid' items/Medicine in this tub.

It's such a great feeling to know that everything is in the one place - so when I have a headache or the kids need a plaster, it's right there - in the First Aid Kit.

Miss B has her own Asthma Kit. It holds spare Spacers, Masks and Inhalers. Every 2-3 months, I check her inhalers and top up if I need to.

What do you have in your First Aid Kit? 


Long Weekend - Part 1

First day of the Long Weekend and I was a MAMA on a MISSION. I had my list (a long list) of things that I wanted to achieve this weekend ready and I wasted no time in getting started. 

We couldn't ask for better weather - It was a stunner day. There was not a cloud in the sky. I made the most of this beautiful weather and got all of our clothes washed and on the line. By 11am, the clothes were already dry, so I put towels and bedding on next...(they were dry in about an hour)...like I said - it was a beautiful day...perfect for getting the washing ALL done. 

Sticking with the theme of clothes...Day 15 of the challenge also included de-cluttering and organising the Kids Wardrobes/clothes. Well, today was the day! I started with Miss B's clothes - I usually go through her clothes with her and get her to take out all of the smaller sizes or clothes she doesn't wear anymore. Over time she has become quite good at it. I folded the clothes and got her to put her clothes nicely in the drawers, so that she knows where to put them next time. For Master M's clothes, I had all of his 6-9 months/9-12months clothes in one of the big K-Mart plastic bags ready for me to sort/de-clutter and organise back into the drawers. Over half of the clothes (the ones that are too small) were put into the 60L container seen in photo. It's a great feeling to know that both kids drawers are filled with nicely folded clothes! TASK COMPLETE.

Next on my list was to get my nook by the front door sorted, as this quickly became my dumping ground throughout the challenge. *Note: We have another entrance by the kitchen that we use more. My goal is start using this front entrance more. 

I finally got around to filling up the car and taking a big load to the local op-shop. I have passed on some of my 'baby' items to a friend that is expecting in the next couple of weeks, my bassinet that I used with both of my kids will have it's 15th baby in it soon - It's been well looked after by my friends and family.

When we got back from the op-shop, I de-cluttered the top of the drawer unit in the nook and gave it a good wipe. I would like to note, that these drawers belonged to my Grandad who sadly passed away in February when I was 38 weeks pregnant. I love that I have a piece of him in my home and it fit perfectly in this space. 

I am so happy to have this area back the way I originally had it. I cleaned the big window, vacuumed and finished with OPENING the front door (it had been a while). Hallelujah! I love it, it's a nice, clean, (uncluttered) area at the entrance of our home. 

Our Front Entry
The house is starting to look great. At this moment in time (with a week to go in the challenge), I would be happy for potential buyers to come through our house and have a look around...it's been a mission, however a good one and totally worth it!

The inside of the house looks great, backyard looks amazing (especially when the lawns have just been mowed)...now to attack the front garden! 

"It's a big job" 
This garden has been on my to-do list for a while now and today I finally got my gardening gloves on and attacked it! Ripped out everything except the cabbage tree (I just pushed it back towards the house) however, I'm thinking of taking it out altogether and replacing it with something else. I found the various sized rocks in amongst the overgrown plants so decided to re-use them. Win Win

Please note this is only Stage 1, we are still deciding what we are going to do with the garden...oh the decisions - I just wanted it tidy. I welcome any suggestions :) For now, I am loving our garden, it has really opened up the area and looks so much tidier than before.

I have plans for the other half of the garden as well...so watch this space!!

Hope you are all having a great weekend


{20 Day Challenge} Day 15 - Patio

A perfect way to kick start the long weekend. 

It is Labour Day on Monday so a lot of families pack up the car and head away for the weekend - for us, we will be getting stuck into the backyard - getting it all tidy and ready for the upcoming Summer months (and later, for when we put the house on the market. 

On Monday, I helped my partner stain the deck...it was in desperate need of a facelift...thankfully Miss B was at school and Master M was fast asleep (actually slept for 2 1/2 hours), so in that time we managed to get it all done - under a very hot sun (I got my first tan lines).

Before (deck was water-blasted on Saturday)
Masking tape - Bryce painted the board edges a darker shade 
Steps done - Looking good
Deck freshly stained - Looks much better

Different angle of the deck - looks great against the house (Bryce painted it last year)
After we finished staining the deck, we had a look around at the yard to see what else needed to be done - let's just say there is quite a few little jobs that need to be done before we put the house on the market...including the paved BBQ area. 

I was really happy that Patio/Outdoor Area was coming up this week on the 20 Days to Organise and Clean Your Home Challenge, so I told Bryce I will do the BBQ area this week so that it matches our newly stained deck and to complete our Patio/Outdoor Area. 

So today, I had a mission - the yuccas were massive & overgrown and the pavers were dirty and overdue a water-blasting. I knew I had at least a 45 minute sleep cycle to get it done - so I got stuck in.  I attacked the yuccas first, pulling off all the dead leaves and making it tidier - stopping just above the trellis. It looks great now...more open and more appealing to the eye. Then got the water-blaster out and gave the pavers a once over. It does need some 30 Seconds, just to lift the stubborn stains, and another water-blast. The paved area looks a lot better now though, don't you think. 

Massive and overgrown yucca

BBQ area after water-blasting (needs some 30Seconds & another blast)


That's much better - Nice tall yucca
So what do you think? 
I personally think the BEFORE and AFTER photos are amazing! I have had some really positive feedback from other members doing the challenge, one person said "Wow that looks great and very inviting" - Hopefully potential buyers think so too. I've got a feeling it's going to be hard leaving this place next year. 

In the meantime, I am going to enjoy every single (sunny) moment relaxing in our awesome Outdoor Area :) BRING ON SUMMER!

Have a lovely weekend

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