Be Organised: Car Organisation

We recently bought a new car and I have been asked several times 'how do you organise your car?' particular 'the rubbish'! So I thought I would share with you how I organise our Honda Odyssey Absolute, and a few tips and ideas I have found online that you might find helpful as well.


I like to call the front of the car - 'Parent Zone' - this simply means that there is to be no child-related items in the front of the car. Our car is fairly new, so keeping it clean and organised is a priority (well for me it is). I have a retractable car charger (purchased from KMart) for my iPhone, so I can charge my phone when I am out and about or on long road trips - it's handy to have.

'Parent Zone'


We have quite a few mini compartments built in our dashboard. I have put a notepad and pens in one - just in case I need to quickly jot something down,  and I put a little bottle of hand sanitiser in another - which I like to use when I've finished at the gas station.  The other mini compartments are currently empty. 

Mini compartments


The only things I keep in the glovebox are a dust mitt, to wipe down the dashboard when it gets a bit dusty and I also have our synthetic chamois to wipe down the outside of the car, after I have washed it - once it's dry I return to the glovebox so I know exactly where it is. Note: In New Zealand we have our registration displayed on our windscreen. I don't like to keep any papers in the glovebox that has our mailing address on it, mainly for security reasons. I am looking into buying a little first aid kit to add to either the glovebox or put in the back. If you have a first aid kit in your car, where do you put it? 



Our middle console is fairly small and the whole console collapses on it's side, so I have decided to keep this area clear of items. I only use it for water/drink bottles. If I collapse it, I can put my handbag in the middle of the seats, but most of the time my handbag sits on the passenger seat. If we are travelling as a family, my partner can put his phone and wallet in the compartment. 

Middle console


The only thing I keep in the driver's door is a small hand-held umbrella. In my old car this is where I used to stash all my rubbish and it wasn't a good look when I opened my door.  There is also a space for a drink bottle if needed or I might actually buy a little cylinder-shaped box of tissues for this space. 

Driver's door


Passenger door


This is what I like to call the 'Kids Zone'! I have two children, 11 years old and 2 1/2. My daughter (11) is responsible for keeping their area clean and tidy. When we go on road trips, my daughter uses a tote bag that she keeps all her crafts, books, pens, notepads etc in. She also takes her lap tray to use as a little table. Our son will have a few of his favourite cars, diggers and maybe a book or two for long trips, but most of the time, he's either asleep or happy to look out the window. 

My son is still rear-facing and will probably be front-facing in Summer (due to weight and height restrictions of the carseat). I put his day care bag and shoes under his carseat (behind the passenger seat) and take it out when we get home. 

My daughter usually has her school bag next to her on the chair or on the floor by her feet. Again, when we get home, the bag is taken out. 

'Kid's Zone'


The door on my daughter's side is where we keep the wipes, and a plastic bag for rubbish or could be used as a spew bag (you never know). The bag is kept in this nifty slider compartment. It's also a great place to store her pencil case and other small bits and bobs for when we go on long journeys. 

Kid's Zone door


We keep this area clear because I tend to fold the seats down when we do our weekly grocery shopping. It's quite roomy back there and we look forward to filling the seats with friends and family this Summer, especially when we go to the beach! There is a place for a drink bottle on each side and has a mini compartment too. 



I usually keep our small stroller (not pictured) in the boot for when we are in town shopping, some spare plastic bags tucked away to the side and this white flexi-tub container (more details below).

The Boot


I decided to use a flexi-tub to store our items in the back simply because it's easy to take in and out of the car. They are really handy to have at the beach or park - I usually put all of the stuff we need in this tub and carry it to the beach or park, that way everything is corralled together and makes transporting to and from the car a lot easier. 

Our Flexi-Tub consists of:

  • picnic mat
  • grocery organiser
  • nappy travel pack (includes nappies, wipes, a mat and some nappy bags all rolled into this little organiser)
  • A change of clothes for the kids (kept in a plastic bag)
  • A spare towel (not seen in picture)
  • First Aid Kit (to be added)
  • Note: I will be adding baby powder to this tub in Summer (it helps get sand off easily)

Boot Organisation

Boot - with seats folded down
As you can see there is a lot of room in the boot area. Like I said above, I fold the seats down when we go shopping, and will probably do the same when we go on road trips to during the school holidays. Most of the time, I have the back seats up and my daughter occasionally likes to sit right in the back.


I mentioned earlier that in my old car I used to stuff the rubbish in my passenger door, well that is not going to happen, not in this car! In the past few weeks, we have got into the habit of cleaning out the car when we get home each day. The rule is: what ever goes into the car, must come out...if things stay in the car, that's when I find it starts to get out of control.

As for rubbish, I don't have a rubbish bin/bag left in the car. We have plastic bags in the car that we do put our rubbish in, especially if we go on a road trip, but when we get home, we take the rubbish bag out and put it in the wheelie bin or kitchen bin, depending on how much rubbish we have.

We do a quick sweep of the car - I do the 'Parent Zone' and my daughter does the 'Kid's Zone', my son likes to help too, then our car is clean and tidy, ready for the next day. It's a nice feeling jumping into a clean car, and I think the systems we currently have in place, it's going to stay like this. 


Katrina from The Organised Housewife has some great tips for 'keeping your car organised' over on her blog, and Kathryn from Do It On a Dime shares 13 amazing tips for your car on her YouTube channel, in fact, I might adopt the 'essential oil peg' car diffuser idea. They each have different ways of organising rubbish - so be sure to check them out. 

I hope you found these tips and ideas helpful.
I would love to hear how you keep your car organised or let me know if you are planning to implement any of these tips/ideas mentioned - in your car. 

Happy Organising,

My KonMari Journey: KOMONO: Kitchen - Cooking Tools (including Baking supplies)

Welcome to 'My KonMari Journey' series. Over the next few months I will be sharing my progress, as I make my way through the KonMari Method, based on the best-seller book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Japanese organising enthusiast, Marie Kondo.

Today I am sharing - KOMONO: Kitchen - Cooking Tools (including Baking supplies)


Welcome to 'My KonMari Journey' series. Over the next few months I will be sharing my progress, as I make my way through the KonMari Method, based on the best-seller book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Japanese organising enthusiast, Marie Kondo.

Today I am sharing - KOMONO: Kitchen - Eating 

My KonMari Journey: KOMONO - Household Supplies

Welcome to 'My KonMari Journey' series. Over the next few months I will be sharing my progress, as I make my way through the KonMari Method, based on the best-seller book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Japanese organising enthusiast, Marie Kondo.

Today I am sharing - Household Supplies

10 Cleaning & Organising Tips That Never Get Old

If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know I love cleaning and organisation, especially organised home challenges. When my life, home and family are organised, I am a very happy and relaxed person.  Today I am sharing the 10 Tips I regularly use to keep my home clean and organised. These tips never get old, in fact you may already know some of them, but ask yourself...'Do I implement them into my home on a daily basis?' I hope I can inspire you to do so. And because it's the new year, I have also included a few FREE PRINTABLES* for you to print and display in your home.  Enjoy!

Here are my 10 Tips for Cleaning and Organising YOUR HOME...

1. Make your bed
Making your bed every morning sets the tone for the day ahead.  When I get up in the morning, I give the kids breakfast, have a cup of tea and check a few emails, then I will go back into my room and make the bed. When the bed is made, it not only makes the room look cleaner but it will be ready for you to climb into at the end of a busy day. What more can you ask for?

2. Keep surfaces clear
Limiting the items you have on your surfaces definitely helps with this.
When you are preparing or cooking meals, take a few minutes to clear away items and/or dishes that are no longer needed or being used and give the surface a spray and wipe. It will make a difference, and you will feel much better getting it out of the way now, rather than leaving it until later, when you are tired and want to relax.

I like to have a clean kitchen before I go to bed, there is nothing better than waking up to a clean kitchen in the morning, am I right? After dinner, I clear all the plates, load the dishwasher and wash anything that can't go in, leaving them to dry in the rack over night.

Extra tip: Get one of your children to unload the dishwasher in the morning or do it while you are waiting for the kettle to boil, then treat yourself with a nice hot cuppa. Win-win!

3. Nothing left on the floor
At the end of the day, I grab a flexi-tub and pick up anything off the floor that doesn't belong there (I often get the kids to help too), picking up toys, shoes, bags, clothes, books etc and returning the items to their rightful homes. It only takes 10-15 minutes. It's always nice to see the floor again, especially during the school holidays. Be sure to check under the couch and beds too.

4. Have a laundry routine
Would you believe me if I told you I used to do ALL my laundry in one day - it's true! I would wash and hang my clothes and then fold them the same day, however I started slacking in the folding department and my family were left to sift through baskets of washing to find what they needed. Fast forward to now...I do laundry 4 days a week (including bedding in the weekends). By breaking it up over the week, Mt Washmore & Mt Foldmore are not as big and daunting. The most important thing to remember is to 'put the clothes away' once they are folded. If you have to, set the timer!
Extra tip: Give your washing machine a clean at least once a month. You can run a hot cycle with a cap of white vinegar, and wipe down the outside of the machine with a micro-fibre cloth. 

Grab yourself a Laundry Sign & Routine FREE PRINTABLE or click on the images below. Simply Print and display in your Laundry. 

5. Clean the bathroom
Before you go to bed each night, dedicate a few minutes to giving the bathroom a quick clean.  When you are brushing your teeth, give the hand basin a quick spray and wipe, pick up the bath toys or spray the shower,  leave for minute or two, then rinse. I guarantee it will make you feel good walking in there in the morning.

6. Set a date to clean your oven
This is actually a new tip, one I have been using since we moved into our new home four months ago. Regularly cleaning your oven once a month, will save you a lot of backache later, especially if it has been a while since you last cleaned it. Set a date each month, and mark it on your calendar - cleaning your oven isn't THAT bad! Extra Tip: Use baking soda, white vinegar & a bit of elbow grease for those stubborn stains and your oven will be sparkling new again. 

7. Baking Soda & White Vinegar ARE your best friends
I have mentioned these two products before because they are totally awesome and if you don't have them in your Cleaning Caddy - you need to! There are so many ways you can use baking soda and white vinegar in your home.  To get you started, check out this list.

8. Declutter, Declutter, Declutter!
For you to be truly clean and organised, you have to own less stuff! Right? De-cluttering is good for the mind, body and soul and not to mention your home. When you are surrounded by clutter, everything can seem overwhelming. You often find yourself having days where you feel like you are chasing your own tail and you can't keep on top of the 'stuff'. I have done a few organising challenges myself and every time I do a new one, more stuff leaves my home.

I will be putting the well-known KonMari method (from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo) to the test very soon and I am excited to be sharing my journey with you. Things are about to get real and I am ready to do an overhaul of my home. Wish me luck! If you would like to follow my progress, or even join me, then simply Subscribe to my blog, so you don't miss a post.

9. Label Your Things
The thing I love most about my Pantry is: most things in it are labelled! This is my happy place and is an area I like to keep clean and organised, thanks to the labels. When you label items in your home, it makes it easier for things to be returned to the right place, by you or any member of your family. Make your own labels or invest in a label maker, either way - labelling is your friend, so use it in your home today.

And lastly, my favourite tip...
10 . Meal Plan
Meal planning has changed my life (for the better). Deciding what you are having for dinner over a week or even month (if you wish) will ultimately, save you time and avoid the 'What's for Dinner?' moans and groans about 5pm. Meal planning also helps you save money when you are grocery shopping, because you are only buying the necessary ingredients for the weekly meals you have planned.

Grab your 'What's for Dinner?' FREE PRINTABLE today. Simply click the image below, Print and laminate so you can use it week after week, and pop it on your fridge for the whole family to see.

YOUR TURN: I would love it if you left me a comment below with YOUR #1 tip for keeping your home clean and organised. Ready? Go! And if you know someone who you think will benefit from this list and/or printables, feel free to PIN, TWEET and SHARE.

Thanks for stopping by,

Disclosure: Printables are for personal use only

Linking up
Janine & Lisa - 1 Word Link Up
Lisa & Rabia - Tuesday Ten
Grace - FYBF (Flog Yo Blog Friday)
Jennifer, Tiffany & Maria - Shine Blog Hop #78
Jess - #IBOT (I Blog On Tuesday)
Karen - Blog Fair

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40+ Items To Organise & Store - Using the Rattan-style Storage Tub

Is your Bathroom cupboard disorganised? Do you find yourself tripping over your little one's toys Is your Pantry and Linen cupboard looking a bit chaotic? Grab yourself one or two of these Rattan-style Storage tubs to keep things organised in your home.

Decorating and Organising A Little Boy's Bedroom {GUEST POST}

The article is contributed by RenovationMates NW3.

Organising and decorating your little boy's bedroom can be fun and burdensome at the same time. There is so much stuff to think about and so little storage space. In addition, you have to combine colours, match designs, find appropriate storage containers and so much more! It is labour-intensive and time-consuming and it can cause you headaches. But it's worth it, especially when you see that your small one is having fun in his bedroom. So, to help you decorate and organise your boy's bedroom, here are a few tips and tricks. Let's get it started.

Organising My Home: WEEK FOUR #31Days2GetOrganized

In Week 4, we tackled some really good areas during the 'Organising My Home' series - with help from organised guru, Peter Walsh's #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge. My favourite tasks were Pens, Gift Wrapping and Pantry - check out my photos and you will know why.

Organising My Home: The #31Days2GetOrganized Challenge

It's time to wave good bye to Winter and say Hello to Spring! A perfect time to get our homes clean, de-cluttered and organised.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the piles of 'stuff' located in different areas of your home, have too many clothes and plastic containers or have an avalanche of washing to fold? I do!

Sunday Share #23 + Clearing out the Clutter WEEK 1

What's been happening? 
 I am taking packing/moving very seriously! I shared this photo of my Packing Guide on my Facebook page yesterday and it has proven to be very popular! It is such a great and simple idea - clearly labelling and colour coding your packed boxes, so when it comes to moving day, everyone knows where the boxes go (This chart will be displayed at the new house). 

I bought a six pack of packing tape from KMart (oh how I love KMart) for $6.50. It is perfect for colour coding the main areas of your home (you may need more colours depending on how many rooms/areas you have). I had a great suggestion from a reader about adding one more colour - for the "First to Open" box - this will have the items that we need first  e.g. tea/coffee/sugar, tools, cleaning items, bedding etc. This has to be my favourite tip if you are moving house - Colour coding boxes for designated areas!  Brilliant! 

Another tip I have and a lot of people will agree is "DECLUTTER"! 
I have moved quite a few times since I left home at 18, and each move I accumulated more and more stuff (insert "Sentimental Hoarder")...I never threw anything out - I kept it all - that was until before I moved in with my partner.  I had to have a MASSIVE DECLUTTER of everything I owned because my partner only had a 2 bedroom house...7 years of kids toys, clothes, miscellaneous items...THE LOT! I had a big garage sale and managed to get rid of 3/4 of my home! (Amazing, I know). And probably only half of the quarter left, came with me to my partner's home. The rest went to my parents - it was mostly my teaching stuff (not required as I was having a baby, and didn't have plans of returning to work within the first year). 

Almost two years later and an extra member in our family, I have accumulated a 'few' more things - I have been taking part in the 30 Day Declutter Challenge with An Organised Life - something I like to call "Clearing out the Clutter"

Here are a few of the things I have decluttered during Week 1...Shoes, Bags, Toiletries, Cups & Crockery, and Toys (plus Nick Nacks & Ornaments and Vases, Platters & Candles - not pictured). I did a bit of decluttering last year during the 20 Day Challenge  and then again when we put our house on the market, however I am sentimental hoarder and find it really hard to part with things because everything has a story behind it! However, due to these awesome challenges I partake in - my decluttering skills have improved and I can say goodbye to more items now (yaye - go me) - I am loving the challenge so far and I am so ready for WEEK 2!! 

Want to join in? It's never to late! I even have my Mum doing the challenge - and she's the Queen of Sentimental Hoarding (she got it from her Dad, my Grandad)! 
You can see my photos over on Instagram @charlene_ttmn or check out the hashtag #aol30daysdeclutter @anorganisedlife_

How's your week been? Have you decluttered anything lately? 

What else has been happening...
Wednesday: Mainly Music
Thursday: Coffee & Catch Up with SPACE Mums. My Mum came down and we got stuck into packing and a bit of decluttering! Miss B had her school photos - her last one at Primary School! *tear*
Friday: PLAY - oh such fun! Master M absolutely loves play, especially the paint! I have signed up to do my Course 2 for PlayCentre - always keen to learn more things! 
Saturday: Visit from Grandparents & my partners Brother & his family - was great to see them!
Sunday: Went to the last Open Home of what could be, potentially, our new home! *squeal* Will keep you posted on how things go! Sorry, don't want to give away all the details, just in case I jinx it! "Good things come to those who wait!" (we have been waiting for a looong time - wish us luck)

FMS Photo A Day Challenge...

From L-R: June 1. Many // June 2. Looking Up // June 3. Starts with B // June 4. Silly
June 5. Looking Down // June 6. Who I Am // June 7. Forgotten
Remember, you can Follow Me! on Instragram 

Check out Week 24 - 
All about emotions - See Chantelle's thoughts behind this Weeks prompts here
Play along: #fmsphotoaday +Fat Mum Slim 

Have a wonderful week!


Clearing Out The Clutter: Coming Soon

Just call me if I don't have enough on my plate...I have signed up to do a 30 Day DeClutter Challenge with the lovely Michelle from An Organised Life.
Image credit: An Organised Life

For those who know me, know I love organisation and declutter fact last year, I joined The Organised Housewife in the 20 Days to Organise and Clean Your Home which was fantastic - you can see my journey here.

When I saw Michelle's post about the 30 Day De-clutter Challenge, on her Facebook page,  I got really excited because it is perfect's the push I need to get my home sorted, de-cluttered and ready to pack (especially for a sentimental hoarder like me)! We recently sold our house , which means we will be moving soon and one of the best things you can do before you move is: to declutter your home - so you are not taking the excess items to the new house. Having a cluttered house = a cluttered mind. For me though - I am REALLY good at hiding my clutter, so it's more "Out of sight - out of mind but that is all about to change, with Michelle's help and my determination of course.

"It’s all about clearing out the accumulated clutter in our homes and lives and minimising a bit. Every day I’ll be sending out a quick morning email with the days tasks. They won’t be huge and overwhelming but little by little we will clear out the clutter and take back control of our homes." (Michelle, An Organised Life)

I have signed up to receive the daily emails, joined the Facebook group and following Michelle on social media (#aol30daydeclutter). I can't wait to begin and start de-cluttering (and packing) my home! Be sure to follow along on my Instagram and my Facebook where I will share my progress! ***Exciting***

It will be nice to move into a new house and call it HOME SWEET (& Clutter-Free) HOME.
If you are interested and would like to declutter your home too - head over to An Organised Life and sign up.

Challenge starts Monday! Bring it on!

This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by: 
 Lisa of The Golden Spoons, 
and Marcia of Blogitudes.
 This week, the word prompt choices were Sweet and Soon

DIY: Washi Tape Storage Ideas

Who loves Washi Tape? I do! There are so many designs, patterns and colours available to choose from, I wish I could have them all! I don't have a big collection, however it is growing steadily, so I needed to find a way to store them. I went to my trusty friend, Pinterest and found some practical and inexpensive storage ideas to keep those little rolls of washi tape organised. Click on the images below to see the original post and keep scrolling to see how I store my washi tape collection. 

Easy Washi Tape Storage
Such a simple idea: Frame, 3M hooks, dowelling - DONE :) Love it!

Up-cycled Mug Rack Into Washi Tape Holder
Great idea if you are just starting your collection, or perhaps display your favourites. You can find mug trees at the op-shop for a couple of dollars. 

DIY Washi Tape Organizer
Washi tape ready to go. Brilliant!

Craft Storage Ideas using Jars
Jars are a perfect solution for small craft items because you can see everything in it. (Might be a bit of mission getting the ones at the bottom). I do like this idea though.

Washi Tape in a drawer 
Cut up some cardboard strips and pop them in a drawer. Simple yet very effective!
Image credit: unknown
 and finally, 
A #KMartHack
 I bought this 9 compartment Tea Box from KMart and turned it into the perfect storage solution for my washi tape. I love it!

Hover over the image and click PIN IT!

How do you store/organise your washi tape? 


  "Weekend Rewind"

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